Story 11: Adrianne As Child

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Adrianne's POV
I was walking to Ava's lab before I come across a drink. Ava then says, 'Oh! Perfect! I need you to drink that for a bit.'. I say, 'Ew, no, it looks like cucumber juice.' in a disgusted tone. Ava grabs the drink and says, 'Drink it... Pwease????' with puppy eyes. I take the drink and roll my eyes. I drink it and I begin to feel weird. I feel as if i'm shrinking. I look in the mirror and see I turned into a toddler. I fall down and sit up.

I look at Adrianne as she shrinks into a toddler. Oh gawd, N's gonna kill me... Literally. I run to Uzi and I say, 'Get N over here, something happened to Adri!'. 5 seconds later, she has N with her and N asks, 'What happened? Is Adri okay!?'. I then say, 'I might've turned her back into a toddler. Please don't kill me.'. N looks shocked and asks, 'Where is she?'. I pick up Adrianne and she starts spitting. N looks at her and says, 'Eeeee, she looks adorable!' and picks her up. I back away slowly because Adri looks like she's about to throw a tantrum. 'AAAAHHHHHH!'  Adri screams as she wiggles herself out of N's arms and starts kicking the floor. 'Should I call your other sister, or no?' Uzi asks. N nods as he starts an attempt to calm down Adri.
'Sup, fa- ohhhh jeez.' I say as I walk through the door to find toddler-sized Adri having a temper tantrum. 'WHEN WE SAID WE WANTED KIDS I NEVER MEANT THIS!' N shouts as he carries Adri. I take her out of his arms and I begin to bounce a little bit, which makes her fall asleep. 'What in the motherboard happened?' I ask. 'I turned her into a toddler.' Adri's friend Ava says, doing this 👉👈. I summon a toddler bed using the magic I learned from Adri. I set her down and I pull the covers over her. I sigh and look at N. 'You're going to have to call her 'sweetie' or she won't understand her relationship with you.' I say. He nods and goes into the kitchen to make some food. Adri starts screaming, 'MOMMY! DADDY! MOMMY! DADDY!'. N and I rush over and he shouts, 'Adri, what happened are you alright!?' in a worried voice. She runs to N and hugs him tightly. She sobs and N tries to comfort her. 'DADDY! IM SCARED! THE MONSTER MIGHT GET ME!' she screams and N sits her down on his lap. 'What monster, sweetie?' N says, blushing by what he called her. 'A big mean monster!' Adri says. 'N, carry her.' I say. 'What? No! What if I drop her???' N asks. 'DO IT YOU RUSTY METAL OF A BROTHER!' I say. I give the child to N and he looks scared. But Adri starts to calm down and she sleeps on N's chest. N's nose starts bleeding and I ask, 'Dude, you okay?'. N starts bouncing which might make her sleep more. Ava runs inside screaming 'I FOUND A CURE!'. Adri wakes up and Ava says, 'Give me the child.'. N hands Adri over and Ava splashes something that looks like acid on Adri. I watch her grow up and then she says, 'What happened?'. N runs over and kisses her. 'Babe, you're acting like I just rose back from the dead after 30 years.'. She giggles and N then asks, 'Are you fine if we can have kids...?'. She nods and the two kiss. Disgusting.

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