Story 7: Ill

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A few months later, I walk over to N and I peck him on the cheek. He pulls me in for a quick kiss and then says, 'I have to head out, sorry, baby.'. 'Awww.... Can I come?' I ask. 'Nah, don't wanna risk losing you, Adri.' N replies. He walks out with Uzi and Ava and I hear the door shut. I sit and do whatever.
'Hey, Adri! We need your help!' I hear Uzi shouting. 'I think N caught a virus or something!'. I walk over to find N coughing and I say, 'Awww, come on, let's get you warm...' as I take his hand and I take him inside. He groans weakly as I touch his head. 'Oh titan, you're boiling...' I say. I put a wet cloth outside and I wait for the temperature to make it freeze. I put it on N's head and I make him change into something less warmer. He's sweating on his bed as I make some soup. Uzi starts turning on music and Ava's practicing spells. I walk to his room to find him vomiting in the toilet. I wince realizing he caught a stomach flu as well. I pat his back as I set the bowl down. He finishes puking and he coughs. I give him the soup and he begins to eat. He then rests his head on my lap and I say, 'You should've worn a sweater~'. 'Yeah, yeah, *cough* rub it in...' N says before falling asleep. I fall asleep next to him.
I feel as if somebody is moving next to me. It's N, having a nightmare. I try to wake him up and he begins to cry. I try to comfort him, but he shocks himself up and I dodge out of the way of his head. I get off to see if he can calm down for a bit. I walk to my old childhood room where I imagine my younger self playing with my toys. I sit down on the bed and I sing my favorite song.
(Her favorite song is below) 👇

I finish singing and I hear multiple people clapping. I turn around to find Uzi, Ava, and N clapping. 'N, you're supposed to stay in bed.' I say. 'I couldn't help but overhear an angel singing right here.' he says. I take his hand and Ava and Uzi would not be quiet about how talented I am. I sit N down on the couch and I start to make dinner. I begin to sing again.
(the song is below 👇)

I could see N blushing at me and I kept singing. I blushed realizing he was clapping.

N x Adrienne (All mini-stories)Where stories live. Discover now