Chapter 10

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The campers and counselors stayed in the crypt all night and fell asleep. Once morning came, all the campers and counselors woke up. Alex said, "Guys, I think it's morning." Timmy opened the crypt's door, peered outside, and saw the zombies were gone. Timmy said, "The zombies are gone." All the campers and counselors left the crypt and returned to camp together. Once they all returned to camp, they all looked around. Ben and Chef Scott walked into the mess hall for breakfast, but then the doors shut themselves, and the lights flickered. Then, a sheeted ghost with a pumpkin head appeared, and when it did, both Ben and Chef Scott screamed. Ben and Chef Scott hid under one of the tables in the mess hall and saw the lights turn on, and the ghost vanished. Then the lights turned off, and the spirit appeared. Then they crawled to the door, opened it, and ran out before the ghost found them.

Gwen caught Ben and Chef Scott grabbing their shirts and asked them what they were running from. Ben said, "We saw another ghost." Ben and Chef Scott took Gwen to the mess hall. Chef Scott said, "In here." Gwen opened the mess hall door, looked inside, and saw nothing. Gwen said, "Well, there's nothing here now." Ben and Chef Scott walked in and saw nothing. All three of them looked around, and once Gwen got to a particular place, she stood still and started to hear the floor beneath her feet beginning to creak. Then, the floor underneath Gwen's feet broke, and Gwen fell into it. Once she did, Gwen screamed and held onto the top until Ben and Chef Scott came to save her. They each grabbed one of her arms and pulled her out of the hole. Gwen said, "Thanks, guys, that was close."

Meanwhile, Lindsay and Marcia went on a hike back to the old cabin they were at a few days ago because Lindsay had an idea. Once they found the place, Lindsay walked inside and told Marcia to wait outside. Lindsay said, "I know what I'm doing. I'll be right back." Lindsay looked around the cabin for the fireplace, and once she found it, she grabbed the unfinished book she saw the last time she was there with the other campers and Alex. She also kept a sharp eye out for Luke and his vampire master. Once she found the book, she put it in her backpack and left without seeing Luke or the vampire. Lindsay said, "I got it, I got it." After she got the book, Lindsay showed it to Marcia. Marcia said, "A book? We came here for a book?" Lindsay said, "I feel there's a connection between this book and the hauntings at camp." Lindsay put the book in her backpack, and both she and Marcia ran back to camp. On their way there, a cat creature stopped them. Marcia ran away, but Lindsay grabbed her, and they both stood still while the cat creature walked up to them. Marcia said, "We should be running." Lindsay said, "Just wait." The cat creature walked closer to them, and Lindsay brought out the book from her backpack and stood still with it shut. Once the cat creature got close to Lindsay, Lindsay put her plan into action. Lindsay said, "OK, now." Lindsay opened the book, and the pages glowed, but the cat creature smacked it out of her hands and hit Lindsay away. Once Lindsay landed, she saw where the book landed, and the cat creature was running to get it. Lindsay shouted, "Don't let it get the book!" Marcia threw a rock at the cat creature, got its attention, and Lindsay ran up to the book and scored it. The cat creature then saw Lindsay with the book and tried to stop her, but Lindsay opened the book, and the cat creature glowed green and got sucked into it. Once the cat creature was inside the book, Lindsay shut it and put it back in her backpack. Lindsay said, "Come on, we should return to camp."

Once they returned to camp, they joined everyone in the mess hall for lunch. While they were eating, the wall started to ooze blood and spill on the floor. Sally took a bite of her food, looked at the wall, and saw the wall oozing blood. Then she screamed in terror and ran off, but her twin sister grabbed her and asked her, "Now what?" Sally pointed at the wall and said, "Blood is coming out." Susan looked at the side of the mess hall, saw red stuff oozing out of it, and walked up to it while Sally grabbed onto her leg. Sally said, "Don't do it, don't do it." Susan put her hand on the oozing wall, looked at it, and her hand started to bleed. Then Susan screamed, ran out of the mess hall, and ran to the bathroom. She rinsed off the blood she touched and saw more blood oozing out of her hand, so she ran to the nurse, screaming. Once she arrived, the nurse sat her down and wrapped her hand in bandages. The nurse said, "Your hand got wounded. You won't be able to use it for a few days, but you'll be fine." Susan said, "How's Duncan, by the way?" The nurse checked his test results and told Susan how he was doing." The nurse said, "He'll still be out for a few days, but he'll be fine like you." Susan left the nurse's office and told Sally how bad her injury was. Susan said, "My injury isn't bad; I just got wounded for a few days." After they got Susan's hand fixed, the twins joined the other girls in planting a garden by the camp's boathouse with Marcia while the boys went canoeing on the lake with Carter.

The green clouds came by while the girls planted their garden, and the purple lightning hit their field. Then, the garden grew faster, and all the plants came out of the ground. Once they did, the plants grabbed the girls and Marcia. The girls started to scream, and the plants used their leaves to hold them upside down. Then, the purple lightning hit their garden again and made a man-eating plant grow. Once the boys heard the girls scream, they rowed to the docks, left their canoes, and ran to where the screams came from. Once they found the girls, the boys opened the tool shed and used gardening tools to cut down the plants and save the girls and Marcia. One of them was about to eat Susan, but Timmy cut and killed it before it swallowed her. Then, one of the plants grabbed Timmy, and another took his hedge trimmers away. Sally then dropped to the ground, grabbed a weed whacker from the tool shed, and used it to chop down the plant holding Timmy and the plant that had Lindsay. Everyone who got freed fought the plants and tried to save the other girls. Once they released them, the boys and girls ran for their lives, but a root wrapped around Susan's leg and pulled her back to the garden. Susan screamed while being pulled away, so Carter and Marcia grabbed her and tried to pull her back. Once they dragged her back, the plant the root was attached to came out of the ground, and they saw it was a monster plant that was about to eat Susan. Susan screamed in terror when she saw the plant, and both Carter and Marcia held onto her with all their strength. Lindsay ran to them while the plant tossed all three up and caught them with its leaves. It looked at Susan first and decided to eat her first. But before it got the chance, Lindsay ran up to the monster plant, opened the book they used to trap the cat creature, and it started to glow green like the cat creature they had caught earlier. Then it got sucked into the book, dropping Carter, Marcia, and Susan. Once it was in, Lindsay locked it in the book with the cat creature. Then, the garden reverted to how it was before the purple lightning hit.

After they got rid of the plant monsters, a witch flew over them on her broomstick, and they looked directly at her. The witch pointed at Lindsay and said, "Give me that book." Lindsay said, "Never." The witch said, "Then suffer the consequences." Lindsay said, "Or how about you do?" Lindsay held the book to the witch and waited for her to get closer. The witch then used her magic to make the text fly out of Lindsay's hands. Then she snapped her fingers, and the book fell to the ground. Lindsay said, "The book." The witch flew down on her broomstick and landed in front of where the book landed. The witch said, "What's amateur, anxious to read?" The witch zapped Lindsay with her magic, sticking her to a tree. While the witch had Lindsay, Marcia picked up a big stick and used it to hit the witch down. Then Lindsay fell to the ground, and when she got up, she ran for the book. Once the witch saw Lindsay going for the book, she threw her broomstick and hit the book away. Lindsay said, "No." The book then fell into the river and started to flow downstream. Once she spotted the book, Tina climbed up part of a tree, hung upside down on it, and grabbed it when it floated by her. After she grabbed the book, the witch flew by on her broomstick and took it from her. The witch said, "I'll take that, thank you." Tina pointed at the witch and said, "She's getting away with the book." Timmy took the hose from the tool shed, spun it around, and threw it up. Then the hose tied around the witch's broomstick, and Timmy started to pull her down. The witch tried to fly higher while getting pulled down, but Timmy kept holding her down until he let go and launched her up. Once he did, the witch dropped the book, and Gwen caught it. Gwen said, "Everyone, follow me, and quick."

Carter, Marcia, and the campers all followed Gwen to the graveyard, and once they got there, Gwen ran in, but the others didn't. Gwen said, "Come on." Cody said, "Why would we go in there?" Gwen said, "This is hallowed ground; witches can't enter here. We'll be safe." The campers, Carter and Marcia, all walked into the cemetery, and the witch flew above them on her broomstick. The witch said, "Clever. Hallowed ground, I can't step foot there. My powers also won't work on you there." Sally said, "She can't hurt us here, right?" Gwen said, "Well, she can't." Susan said, "I don't like how you said that." The witch shot her magic down onto the cemetery, and a zombie came out of the ground. Once they saw it, the campers, Carter and Marcia, all screamed in terror. Susan grabbed a tree branch and pulled it back. When she let go of it, it hit the top half of the zombie away while its legs walked up to them. The campers, Carter and Marcia, started to get even more scared when they saw the zombie's legs walking near them. Then, a bony hand came out of the ground and grabbed Susan's ankle. Susan screamed when she felt and saw the bony hand on her ankle, so Tina kicked it off her. Then, a skeleton emerged from the ground, picked his hand up, and reattached it to his body. Then, more zombies and skeletons started coming out of their graves, and the campers, Carter and Marcia, ran for the gates. Gwen tossed Cody the book and said, "Have the book ready. If the witch knows we took the bait, the witch will be waiting for us at the gates." The campers, Carter and Marcia, ran out of the cemetery and shut and locked the gates before the skeletons and zombies came after them.

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