Chapter 12

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The kids all stuck together and used their flashlights to search for Emma's office. While searching, they heard a buzzing sound, and many giant mosquitoes flew toward them. Once the kids saw the mosquitoes, they all screamed in terror and hit the deck so the mosquitoes would miss them. While the others stayed close to the ground and crawled inside one of the counselors' cabins, Gwen took a tennis racket off the ground and swung at the mosquitoes. The mosquitoes kept flying around her, and she kept missing until Gwen focused on one of them, waved at it with her tennis racket, and hit it away. Once she did, the giant mosquito hit a window and died. Since the others were scared the same thing might happen to them, they flew away, and Gwen dropped her tennis racket when they left.

Once the mosquitoes were gone, Gwen walked to the cabin where the other campers hid and knocked on the door. Gwen said, "Guys, you can come out; it's safe." Once Gwen told them it was safe, the other kids emerged from hiding in the cabin. After they came out, Duncan found them and said, "Hi, guys." Then they all screamed in terror because Duncan scared them, but when they saw it was him, they stopped yelling. Susan said, "Oh, Duncan. I see your volleyball injury got healed." Duncan said, "Yes, I barely remember what happened, and it took a few days, but the nurse said I'll be fine even though my black eye still needs to heel. Now, what's going on, and how come there are only 7 of you?" Ben said, "We're getting haunted out of our wits, and the ghosts and monsters keep taking our friends."

While they were talking, the werewolf showed up, and all the campers hid. While hiding, all the kids tried to remain calm and quiet so the werewolf wouldn't hear them. The werewolf used his sense of smell to sniff out the campers' scents and find them. He smelled out identical scents and then saw the twins. Sally screamed and ran for her life, but the werewolf grabbed Susan and carried her away. Once he got away with her, he bit Susan and turned her into a werewolf. Susan screamed when she got bit, and all the other campers heard her. They all peered out of hiding places and saw the werewolf coming. They also noticed that Susan was with him and she was a werewolf too. Duncan whispered, "Oh no, the werewolf must have bitten Susan." Susan and the werewolf tried to sniff out the campers, and while they were doing so, Tina slowly crawled away and tried to avoid Susan and the werewolf. Then, a ghost glove appeared next to Tina and tapped her shoulder. When she saw the ghost glove, Tina got worried and said, "Oh no." Susan and the werewolf heard Tina's voice and ran towards where it came from.

When Cody saw Tina was in trouble, he took a bow and arrow and shot an arrow at the werewolf. Once he did, the projectile ended up in a cabin's wall, and Cody got Susan's attention. While the werewolf hung around where Tina was hiding, Susan ran over to Cody. Cody said, "I apologize in advance for this." Cody took a baseball bat and hit Susan away with it. After he did, Cody ran up to the werewolf and tried to hit him away, but he jumped aside. Cody then got an idea. Cody said, "Hey, Mr. Wolf." Cody got the werewolf's attention and showed him the baseball bat he was holding. Cody said, "Fetch." Cody threw the baseball bat into the woods like a stick, and the werewolf ran off into the woods to fetch it. Cody said, "Guys, you can come out; they're gone."

All the campers came out from hiding, but then they saw Emma and Chef Scott running for their lives and screaming. Cody said, "What's up with them?" Timmy said, "I think I know." Timmy pointed at what they were running from and started getting scared. All the campers then turned around and saw a suit of armor with glowing red eyes walking towards them. Timmy shouted, "Run for it!" The campers ran for their lives, and the armor chased them across the camp. All the kids hid in one of the counselors' cabins and slammed the door shut. Once they did, Cody peered out the window and saw the suit of armor left. Cody said, "The ghost armor is gone." Tina said, "What is this place anyway?" Tina turned on the lights and saw they were in Cleo's cabin. The campers took a look around and found Cleo hiding in her closet. Tina said, "Cleo? What are you doing?" Cleo said, "Hiding from the ghosts. All the counselors are hiding somewhere in their cabins." Duncan said, "All of them?" Cleo said, "Sure? After you guys returned from your hike, Carter and Marcia told us about it, and more ghosts came after us."

While they were talking, Cleo's bathroom door started to shake. Duncan walked to the bathroom door and opened it. Once he did, many giant spiders came out, and he screamed. Once all the other campers saw the spiders, they yelled, too. Then they all ran out of Cleo's cabin, and all the other counselors ran out of their cabins too because their houses got invested too. While the giant spiders crawled out of the places and came after everyone in the camp, it started to rain. Timmy said, "What do we do now?" Carter said, "We hide in the mess hall, that's what." Timmy said, "OK." All the campers and counselors ran to the mess hall, took shelter, slammed the door shut, and locked it so the spiders couldn't get inside. Then the roof started leaking, and the fire sprinklers turned on themselves. Then, the room began to flood, and the campers and counselors panicked. Marcia said, "Quick, get to the support beams." All the campers and counselors stood on the tables and climbed up to the mess hall's support beams. All the kids sat on the support beams, and so did the counselors once they got up to the support beams. Before Marcia reached the support beams, the room was almost water-filled, and she drowned. Once Tina saw Marcia was in trouble, she jumped off the support beams, swam under the water, and grabbed Marcia. Then she brought them both up to the surface and opened a window so all the water would pour out of the room. Then, the water left the mess hall, eliminating all the giant spiders. All the campers and counselors then jumped from the ceiling to the ground, soaking wet.

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