Lap Dance Lunch Time

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After a few weeks of being in the hospital I was allowed to go home. We travelled back to Brooklyn my mom moved in with us. Apparently my mom and dad made up when I was in a coma and she explained herself and how she faked her death and the whole 'smoke this weed and you'll see me' shit. Even though it's been a while my dad is still sass appointed in me and upset. Kyle is excited about having the baby, my mom is too. All of the guys are pretty excited to, they bought a bunch of cute little outfits for him. Yeah, we went and found out the gender and I'm having a boy. And me? I'm not happy, I'm fat, my dad won't even look at me or talk to me and I'm way to young!

"Is it just me of is your belly like really big for someone who's only like 3 months pregnant?", my uncle josh asked, I finally got to meet him while I was in the hospital along with my moms friends and shit. I shrugged and rubbed my belly. "To be honest I really don't care", I mumbled.

"Look, babe I'm sorry for you getting pregnant and everything", Kyle hung his head and rubbed the back of his neck. Now I felt guilty that I upset him. I patted the empty space next to me and he came and sat down beside me. I hugged him and buried my face into his chest. "It's not your fault... Not all of it. But I still love you", I mumbled into his chest, he laughed a bit and hugged me back, "I love you too"

"Oh my god you guys are like giving me the feels! You guys are my otp! I ship it so hard!", my aunty Niamh fangirled over us and my other aunties agreed and made a small conversation about our relationship. I rolled my eyes and laughed at them. I turned on the TV and watched reruns of Dexter. About and episode later the front door opened and my dad walked in. He came into the front room smiled at everyone, but it soon faded when he saw me and Kyle on the mini sofa together. At this point I was fed up of all the disapproving looks and glares at Kyle.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't glare at my fucking son everytime your in the same fucking room!", well I guess Niamh was fed up of it too. My dad shook his head.

"Well I'm gonna fucking glare at him if he didn't obey my rules and had underage sex with my daughter and then made her a teenage mom!", my dad replied. I sighed, stood up and went to my room.

When I got there I packed some clothes and pyjamas and shoes. I went back down stairs and went to go out the front door. "Where you going?", my dad asked

"Ooohh so now you care?", I asked shocked

"You know I always care, now where are you going?", he asked once again

"Across the road to stay there for a while, I need a break from this house", I stated as i walked out the door. I jogged across the road and started walking as I reached the other side. When I got to the door I rang the door bell and then walked in while screaming "IM HOMEEEE".

I walked into the kitchen and they were all sat around arguing over the new batman movie that's not even out yet! I laughed at them before sitting down beside Ben. He put his arm around my shoulder "dad giving you trouble still?", he asked, I nodded my head an sighed.

"Well you can stay here as long as you want mini sykes", Danny said, I giggled at the nick name.

"Welllll, you never told us what you were having after!", James shouted

"Oh yea, I was supposed to come over but I forgot, I'm having a boy", I smiled and they all cheered

"More boys! Whoop", they all shouted

"Where emotionless in black?", I asked looking around and realising they weren't here. "Umm, I think that they are in the games room masturbating with each other", Cameron laughed and i said Ew. We went into the front room and watched rob zombies movie 'Devil Reject'. It was really good. After that we watched more movies and I headed of to bed. "I'll show you where your room is", Sam got up with me and picked up my bags. We walked up the stairs, he brought me to a room kind of in the middle of them all and across from thunders room. "This is where you'll be staying m'lady", I giggled at him, just as I was about to go into my room, thunders door opened.

"I heard a sexy female giggle", he sounded half baked! I laughed when I saw his hair was as spiky as crows.

"Oh my god Brooklyn. Hey how are and the baby doing?", he hugged me

"Good good", I laughed. He gave me a funny look

"What are you laughing at?", he asked.

"Well, are you going for crows look?", me and Sam laughed at him as he tried to tame his hair.

"What ever. Kyle told me your having a little boy!", I nodded. I heard movement in his room and then crows came up behind thunder.

"BROOKLYNNNN", He attacked me with a bear hug.

"Crow... pregnant... squashing baby!", I managed to get out.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry mini Kyle. I didn't to hurt you or your mommy", I laughed him as he got on to his knees and spoke to my stomach.

"Well I'm really tired to I'm going to bed. Night guys", I wave and they mumbled nights. I went into my room and jumped onto the bed. Nearly the second I laid down I feel asleep.


I woke up the next and rolled over to get my phone. When I finally reached it I checked the time, '2:36', I groaned and got up and went down stairs.

"Good morning princess sykes", DANNY bowed as I came into the kitchen, I laughed and sat down.

"What are your wishes of the day?", he asked

"Feed me", he nodded and went to make food. He handed me a plate of pancakes and of course they were gone in a matter of second.

"So what ya wanna do today kid?", Danny asked ruffling my hair.

"Sleep", and with that I went up stairs and slept.

Switched At Birth {sequel to Adopted By Andy Biersack}Where stories live. Discover now