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America POV
I have to go to the United Nations meeting complete bullshit how the fuck do I go from Afghanistan to meeting a office hell I grew up in the hood. I park my car and get out. I make my way to the door when I heard someone crying behind me I turn and see Ukraine balling
"What's wrong" I ask
"Soviet is is dead" she wailed I pat on the back I am not the best at confronting that's Canadas thing speak of the devil there he is he is hauling ass right now he's not late. He bent down and whispered some things to Ukraine trying to help I stood and walked into the huge building and made my way to the sectary a young girl was there like 18 probably she looked up at me and blushed "Hi I am looking for the UNs meeting" I say she stutters and and room three I make my way slowly not want to be there I open the door everyone cheered and started asking all type of questions hugging me laughing Japan was clinging on to my bicep and kissing it I was blushing Canada was not happy about this

Canada pov
Japan kissing my America huge bicep I pulled her off she was kicking and and screaming trying to get to my brother disgusting I look at America who is being hugged by Phil who started kissing his chest weird why is their so much competition

That is the end of the chapter hope you guys like it if you didn't well fuck you I will update every day hopefully

USATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon