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Canada pov
A was not a huge fan of Phil one reason he has a huge crush on my America my future husband not his I frown looking at Phil who was trying to get America to pick him up pathetic I look around everyone was talking to some one except Russia who has looking at America hungrily almost like he wanted him. Then it hit me Russia did want America why does everyone trying to take what is mine mine America is mine
Russia POV
America so cute and beautiful and hot look at him wearing a tank top showing off his huge biceps and perfect body his Chain the holly cross studded with diamonds (I am not saying all Americans are catholic by the way) He was perfect everything I need in this world but all the fucking bullshit such as Canada, Japan, Phil, Mexico, China. There are probably more disgusting I hate all of them taking my fucking America mine I have to get rid of Canada I need a drink badly also Japan invited the high school gang America, Canada, Me, Phil, Japan, Pollen, Germany. So I accepted of course America was going to be their
Time skip
Japans POV
Every one is coming and Senpi is going to come to he drinks whiskey I can get a drunk America in bed Whiskey Vat 69
Canada POV
Love it is so nice to see your one true love not nice to see him talking to a certain Russian with a huge Voka in his hand
Waring sexual references
Russia pov
America is so hot "your so sexy America"I say drunkenly
"What?" He asked blushing
"I said your sexy" I say again I grab him and pull him close "mine" I said he blushed more and struggled against me
"Let go Russia" he said I pulled him closer
"I want you" I say pouty
"No I am going to get you home" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door I get in the shot gun of his car and grabbed his hand he drove me home "we're here get out see you tomorrow" He said smiling at me
"NOOOOOO" I screamed at him
"Why?" He asked
"I love you" I said he blushed
"Go home" he said again
" No no no NO" I said getting made he was going to sleep with me he has to
"Come in I want to see you" I say
"I can't I need to go get Canada" he says
" Fine I will get out out you kiss me" I say happily
"Fine" he says leans over and smashed our lips my eyes shut tight

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