Another A/N again

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I bet whatever person reading this is like 'FINISH THE DANG STORY.' But I'm not the....... healthiest person alive right now.

I haven't eaten since my last update and my body is not happy with me. The reason being that Every time I open my mouth I feel pain. Like, the side of my lips has a cut that keeps healing when my mouth is shut. So there is a scab that is trying the heal my lips but it hurts. So like, I have lost  more than 10 pounds and I'm just not feeling good.

Ima reread what I have already wrote to recap myself on what is going on and see if I find some new idea for the next update.

Again, I'm sorry for the 'not updating thing. I will, try my best to come up with something new.

Tbh, I don't even know how this got 1 reader let alone more than 200.

Also, thanks for the people that voted, didn't think that would happen 😅

Ok now I'm actually gonna try to make a new update


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