Story 6: Gaining back a long forgotten trust

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Note: This took place a few days after Ruby moved in with Mark. In my AU, because of the abuse, Ruby has trust issues but is later fixed up thanks to Mark.

Ruby woke up from another horrible nightmare. Dang, these nightmares never rest and just kept making her mentality worse. Despite feeling a bit safer with Mark and his parents, she still couldn't get rid of the fear she always had for 16 years. She came out of her own bedroom and saw Mark and his family getting ready for breakfast. Mark noticed Ruby.

Mark: Oh, Ruby! You can come down now. Breakfast is ready!

Ruby: Coming!

After eating breakfast, Mark's father (The CEO of a sporting company) went out to work. His mom, on the other hand, went out to do the laundry while Mark clean the dishes. Before doing so, he notices Ruby's face, looking down and sad. He asks if she's alright, with Ruby answering "yes" when in reality, she isn't exactly alright due to the nightmares she's having. This nightmare crisis Ruby is having keeps on going for literally 2 weeks and Mark isn't falling for Ruby's white lies anymore. He knows Ruby rarely talks to him and his parents and he was very concerned about her, especially when she just ran away only a few weeks ago. He decides to finally confront Ruby's problem.

Mark: Ruby?

Ruby: Mark? What's wrong?

Mark: Are you alright?

Ruby: Y-Yeah, I am. Is there s-something wrong?

Mark: You rarely seem to change after moving in. Sorry to mention it, but I just wanted to try to cheer you up.

Ruby: O-Oh, don't w-worry, Mark...! I'll be fine, really.

Mark: (Worried) R-Ruby...

Mark really wants Ruby to cheer up, but maybe Mark was trying a bit too much the whole day, causing Ruby to break out and the two got into an argument, making Ruby run away from the house and just walk into the park to take a breather while Mark ran after her. Mark couldn't find her but kept on finding her. Meanwhile, Ruby thinks Mark was just trying to help her and decides to go back and have a small talk, but was encountered by a group of thugs. 

???: Yo! Look at this cute lady here!

???: I noticed. What ya say, boss?

???: Good use. She looks well-shaped. Let's get her.

They tried snatching her away, but Mark came in and snatched her away from them.

Mark: Okay, you people leave this poor girl alone.

???: Heh! You're her bodyguard? Seriously? You expect us to be scared by some nerd like you?

Mark: *Grabs the man by his shirt collar with an intimidating expression* Funny. How about you scooch out and *f* off?

???: Nive try, *b*.

They start having a fistfight, 1v3. Mark manages to defeat them but got tired out and got beaten well, can barely stand, and holds his stomach in pain. Ruby felt terrible about what happened and helped Mark get up and go back home. Mark's parents were shocked about what happened to Mark and helped Ruby patch him up a bit. After that, they both sat down to rest. Ruby starts to cry as Mark asks.

Mark: Ruby? It's not a big deal. I'm fine now.

Ruby: I'm so sorry...!

Mark: *Hugs her* Hey, hey, Ruby...

Ruby: I-I-It's my f-fault your h-hurt! I'm s-s-so sorry! I d-didn't mean i-it!

She was tripping through her words as she cries a bit louder. Mark kissed her forehead, catching Ruby off-guard. She still crying, but was softened up. Her face was pretty red from the small kiss. Mark let out a small giggle as Ruby faced him.

Ruby: Why... Why are you being this nice to me...? I-I thought-

Mark: ...we'd be just like your parents?

Ruby avoided answering at first before answering it with a "yes".

Mark: Well, not everyone is like that. It's true, there are bad people out there, and we all made bad mistakes sometimes. But... not everyone here is a monster, like them.

Ruby: Mmm... Is it... t-true?

Mark: Of course. I saved you from those thugs, is it not something a good person would do? *Chuckles*

Ruby, knowing that what Mark said is true, smiles, slowly learning to gain back her trust in others. She hugged Mark back, appreciating his help.

Ruby: Thank you, Mark... Thank you so much.

Mark gave her a warm smile as he hug her and said "You're welcome" to Ruby. Mark's mom called for dinner and Ruby stands up to pick them up. Before doing so, she quickly kiss his cheek and rush to the kitchen, really flustered from what she just did. Mark blushed from the unexpected kiss from Ruby and his face starts warming up. Both their hearts pounding, feelings growing bigger. Ruby's senses were so lost about the kiss she gave to Mark, she forgot about the food. Mark's mom noticed Ruby's tomato-colored face and ask.

Mark's mom: Uh... Ruby, sweetie. Is there something wrong? Are you having a fever?

It manages to bring Ruby's senses back and remember what she is supposed to get.

Ruby: I-I-I'm fine, ma'am! S-Sorry! I forgot about the food!

She quickly picked up both their food and head back to Mark. Mark's mom starts to notice something about Ruby, realizing she wasn't having a fever, but looks like she's blushing. With Mark's father knowing as well, they're both aware of what looks like growing feelings between the two. They both giggle quietly as they watch the two eat together. After a few days, both their feelings keep growing and growing until Mark thinks it's best to finally let it out to Ruby and confess. With both his parents' support and guidance, Mark gained the courage to show his love for Ruby. He requested help from their close friends to get stuff prepared for the confession. With the help from CJ, Vade, Faith, Olley, Max, and Abel, the preparation was smooth and perfect timing as school was over. Mark prepared himself, even with his heart raising due to nervousness. He approaches Ruby.

Mark: Uh, h-hey, Ruby? 

Ruby: *Blushes* O-O-Oh! M-M-Mark! Wh-What's up...?!

Ruby's heart raised just as high as Mark's and her nervousness was intense. Mark took a deep breath.

Mark: W-Well, y-you mind if you f-follow me outside? Behind the school building? Th-There's something I wanna tell you for a few days now.

Ruby: U-Uhh, a-alright...! I-I'm coming...!

Ruby followed Mark at the back of the school, surprised to see CJ and the On Command gang with their musical equipment with them (Vade and Faith aren't part of it if you haven't seen Starlight Mayhem yet). CJ made sure this is subtle and romantic and starts singing a love song. A song Mark requested CJ to sing for him since he isn't much of a good singer. Faith couldn't hold in her excitement of Ruby and Mark starting to be together as a couple while Vade tries to get her to calm down a bit but is also happy and excited for Ruby and Mark. Ruby felt like her heart skipped 2 beats somehow and her face is completely red to hear the song Mark requested CJ to sing for him. Slowly but surely, she felt happier with every sweet and lovely lyric she hears in the lovely love song. In the end, CJ gives off a surprise sentence.

CJ: Ruby, glasses has a question he wants you to answer.

Ruby: Huh? *Looks at Mark, holding a rose as she blushes once again, tears falling off her face*

Mark: R-Ruby, I j-just wanna ask you this question since the last few days in the bottom of my heart. Ruby, will you please... be my GF?

The On Command gang looks at the confession with excitement. Ruby smiled as she answers happily.

Ruby: Yes, yes, yes!

She hugged Mark tightly as he hugged her back. The On Command gang cheered in happiness and starts celebrating. His parents watched and celebrated, too. Now this is the way Mark manages to change Ruby and how Ruby, even if she still couldn't move on yet, manages to live a normal life, barely remembering the trauma of her past.

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