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For many love means empathy, gentleness and unconditional trust.
For me love has always been cold, raw and insidious.
I mean, you couldn't blame me for my mindset - as a Southside kid, I was born into this world.

Mother bipolar prostitute, father violent alcoholic.
I knew what it meant to be on my own, to somehow scrape together money for rent and groceries, and to embody the best possible surrogate mother for my little siblings.
Unfortunately, this resolution also meant that I had to wander beyond my limits into the illegal.
Whether I liked it or not, this life didn't work out any other way.

But that I would get to know someone who would change my life into a positive one through such an illegal act, I would not have thought by far.
And that's it, my, Vada Monroe, life as a seventeen-year-old in Chicago.


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