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Love interest: Carlos Sainz
Story name: BRUTAL *
Timeline: 2024 SEASON *

Faceclaim: RADINA BORSHOSH Name: ISKRA STOYANOV Love interest: Carlos SainzStory name: BRUTAL *Timeline: 2024 SEASON *STATUS: AVAILABLE

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Iskra Stoyanov was the best friend of Esteban Ocon. He was her chaotic best friend. The flirty one, who wouldn't mind flirting with men if it meant that his best friend could get a boyfriend.

But she didn't want one. That was, until she met Carlos Sainz.

Losing his seat at Ferrari in Formula One at the end of the season, Carlos was always being criticised about not being good enough or being compared to his team mate but not by Iskra.

Iskra was gentle with him, and caring. Which was strange because the only other person she was like that with, was her best friend, Esteban. With everybody else, she was harsh, cruel, bitter, rude and blunt.

It was as if he was softening her hard exterior as well as her heart. Because whenever she was around him, it was as if she was possessed by a completely different person.

It was strange, but it was nice. Carlos found that even in the darkest of times for him, she was there, right beside him, ready to make him smile and drag him from his thoughts.

It was what made him fall in love with her. And it was what made Esteban sick.



Iskra is bulgarian. But she lives in an apartment next to her best friend, Esteban Ocon. He often flirts with men to try and get his best friend a boyfriend, but has yet to succeed.

Carlos first meets her when he had a bad race and was crying away from all of the other drivers. Iskra stumbles across him whilst trying to find the ladies toilets. She sits beside him and listens to him as he vents about his frustrations and how he feels about knowing he is going to be replaced.

Esteban is confused why she is so different around him, but watches as she defends Carlos from people who were giving him hate and confronts Ferrari about how treated him. He eventually approves when Carlos shows that he isn't trying to use her and he genuinely cares for her.

Iskra will be gentle with him but will not fall in love with him for a while. He will fall for her first.

Her favorite color is blue, her favorite animal is a raccoon.


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