shes ill and you feel bad

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You wake up with sun beams streaming across your face, blinding you briefly as you try to open them. "oh god my eyes, MY EYES"

Keeping your eyes shut, you turn to the side and reach your arm over to bring Gracie closer.
Your arm snakes over to her side of the bed, but doesnt bump into Gracie's side or back like usual. Except all you can feel is the warm mattress from where Gracie's body previously lay.
"wait what, huh? Gracie?" you say under your breath, bringing your hand up to your eyes to wipe away the sleep from the night before.

As you begin to realise that ; Gracie was In fact not next to you, your breath starts to quicken and your mind goes into overdrive, thinking of all the possiblities of where she may be.
- okay maybe shes shopping? No she would've left a note
- umm what about just in the kitchen making a coffee, no she would've woken me up to ask whether I wanted any
- YES OKAY BINGO, SHE HAS TO BE IN THE BATHROOM... wait but why has she taken so long, its literally been like 10 minutes

Okay so maybe I sound a bit obsessive but the situation isn't a normal thing in our household.

When obviously most people would just think that their significant other is in the kitchen or the bathroom or another room in the house,
this wouldnt make sense in the case of gracie.

She ALWAYS stays in bed later then 9:00 am and it is currently 6:15 am.
So yeah this is very unusual, so your first thought goes to the worst possible thing.

Gracie is sick.
"oh god, gracie sweetie" you say shaking you head, shouting a bit louder now so she may hear you through the bathroom walls.
"GRACIEEE, are you okay baby?"

With no response in sight, you clamber out of bed and begin to make your way over to the bathroom down the hall. Quickly rushing to put your GA star slippers on as you'd just cleaned the floor yesterday.

As you get closer, the faint sounds of gracie throwing up starts to get louder.
You can hear a slight whimpering at the same time, which you guess is from the fact that gracie HATES throwing up ; she like actually can not stand it.

——— extra info (can skip to where it says 6:17am if u want ahaha)

She has such a fear of it that last time we went out for a party, gracie wouldnt even drink past 3 drinks (despite everyones claims that we know she can handle around 5 before being sick) as she feared that she'd end up throwing up in the bars toilets later on. Which I mean is a fair reason not to drink past 3, as usually we go out and only have like 1 or 2 drinks and then talk the whole time.
But you get the idea.
Gracie Abrams hates throwing up or even just the idea of it...

————— 6:17 am

So you start to run, sliding across the floor into the bathroom door.

And thats when you saw her, Gracies leaning her head against the toilet seat, way too sick to care about how unsanitary it really was for her to be doing that.

"Gracie?" She turns to look at you once she hears your voice, her eyes look panicked and you can see a layer of sweat plastered upon her forehead and her tear stained cheeks are all red and hot from her fever.

Her teeth begin to clench, as if to keep the urge to vomit down to a minimum
"Y/n? Please go back to bed. I don't want you to see me like this."

Shaking your head, you walk over to Gracie and sit down behind her. You reach up and pull Gracie's hair out of the way, and using the hair tie you managed to pick up before, coming it with your fingers into a loose braid.
"Don't be silly, goose. Im not going anywhere."

Suddenly, Gracie's eyes begin to flicker from you to the toilet. A sort of panic within them.

Her stomach starts to ache and she gets that all too familiar burning sensation within her throat. A tear escapes her eyes and she leans over and starts to vomit again.
"Shhh, its okay Gracie. Your okay my love, im here for you"

sure thing!! - GracieAbrams gxgWhere stories live. Discover now