New recruit

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The next morning Esdeath arrives into the meeting room as she finds everyone besides Kurome "where is Kurome?" Esdeath asked as Wave specks up "she isn't feeling good so she won't join us". Esdeaths nods as she already knew why but still felt bad for her "Alright well shall we begin with the meeting" everyone but wave nods, however wave specks up "umm excuse me lady Esdeath where is General Hinata?". Esdeath looks at him with a serious expression "she is on a mission right now", Wave nods his head and stays quite as she began to speck "Alright now then we have a new recruit joining us come on in". A person walks in with long blue hair, red eyes, white dress and was barefoot "Hello my name is Ciel it's nice to meet you all".

That's it for this chapter sorry guys it's really short but I can't think of anything else plus I've been putting this off for so long.

Rimuru GA Kill RewriteTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang