Mission with Kurome part 1

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Ciel was in her room relaxing as she thought of about the rest of the team. She closed her eyes and started to talk to herself "Ok so wave is a fisherman who has little to no experience in fighting he needs to work on that or he will be the first to fall". She sighed "the others seem to be decent but still can't forget that some of them are creepy." She looks up at the ceiling "then there's Kurome who is like Akame but crazier."

After an hour of relaxing she had a knock on the door "come in" the door opens to reveal wave "Miss Esdeath wishes to speck with you." Ciel nods and starts to head into her office. After abit she knocked on the door as she heard a voice "come in" Ciel opened the door "you called for me." Esdeath nods and begins to tell her about the mission to infiltrate a enemy base to retrieve a stolen imperial arms with Kurome to which she nodded and headed out.

She sighed as someone stepped out of a closet "you sure are something esdeath." Esdeath looked over "Yeah but I still do not trust her fully can I ask you to follow her Hinata" she nods and goes to start her secret mission.

That's it for this one all I hope this is alot better then my last one I had to delete cause I swear if it isn't then I'm just gonna continue it without caring. Jk but please do give me some feedback.

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