5. Jackson is a Softy?

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Thank you all for being so patient during my month's hiatus. I have so many chapters built up. Enjoy! TW: Aftermath of the last chapter
September 18th, 2014
10:34 PM
  "Stiles..." Jackson said weakly outside the bathroom door, knocking and trying to get Stiles to respond. "You have been in the shower for 2 hours..." Jackson said he had to pull a stool up a few minutes ago since he was so unbalanced. He could tell he felt a little better after shifting to his wolf, but he was so worried about Stiles... shockingly.

  Jackson focused on hearing Stiles, realizing the shower was a way to hide his sobs. They killed several shifters and burned their bodies to ash, so there was no evidence. Jackson watched his tail as it had a mind of its own. It tore the handle out of the door and reached into the room. He coiled around the lock and twisted it so Jackson could go in.

  "Stiles," Jackson managed to run to the tub before he collapsed, pulling himself up on the side of the tub. He pulled Stiles' hands away as he rubbed his thighs raw, breaking skin and bleeding, trying to scrub the violating touch of the hunters.

  "I told you I was fine," Stiles sobbed as his hands were still moving in scrubbing motions. "I-I just sat there and let them do that to me," Stiles cried, "I can still feel his fingers inside of me," Stiles' breathing was shallow.

  Jackson never had to comfort someone. Usually, he made Stiles cry when they were in elementary school. "Stiles..." Jackson said weakly, "Stiles," Jackson did the only thing he could think of and hugged Stiles. "You're not healing. You're still bleeding," Jackson said, referring to how he rubbed his thighs raw.

  They didn't talk partly to Jackson, not knowing what to say or how to address it. Stiles let Jackson comfort him. When the hot water finally ran out, it brought him back to reality. He looked at Jackson, and the odd wolf seemed to understand without him asking to give him a little privacy while he dried off.

  Jackson removed his wet shirt and collapsed onto the couch as he had overexerted himself. Stiles' clothes were bloody, so he went into the laundry room and grabbed a hoodie and gym shorts from Jackson. "You need to call Scott,"

  "No... he can never know about this," Stiles wiped his eyes and helped Jackson sit up.

  "He is going to find out somehow. He will be madder if we don't tell him," Jackson said, and Stiles covered his face, sobbing hard again. "SHit... sorry, I promise I won't tell him, please... just stop crying," He said, and Stiles tried his best to get a hold of himself.

  "You look like shit... You need to eat and rest," Stiles wiped his nose and rubbed his eyes, but the tears kept coming. He was temporarily distracted by Jackson's eyes turning pink again, confused about why it kept happening. He thought it could be because of the moonberry poisoning but wouldn't find out what it meant for a couple more weeks.

  The reason it was happening was whenever Jackson was falling in love with him or caught his scent. His wolf would express their love for Stiles. Seeing Stiles in his clothes made him feel things. Stiles' scent was now covered in Jackson's scent. "Do... you want to talk about the second thing they said?" Jackson asked, and Stiles gulped. It was part of why he was crying.

you make me ill - Stiles X Jackson - 18+ MPregWhere stories live. Discover now