Chapter 3

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As they all made it into the cookie shop, they all looked at the different varieties of cookies. "So many choices and flavors" Sonic said as he scanned the displays of cookies. "I want a red velvet cookie" Rouge said. "I will have the rainbow cookie" Amy said. "I could go for a cinnamon swirl cookie" Blaze said. "Hmmmm, maybe I can try the double chocolate cookie" Manic said. "I would so wanna try their strawberry cheesecake cookie" Sonia said. "Ooo, this sugar cookie looks yummy" Aleena said. "I will go with chocolate chunk cookie then" Sonic said.

After they got their cookies, they started to walk around the mall and eat them along the way. "Their cookies are so delicious, like they are made with love" Sonic said. "I agree, why aren't all cookies like this?" Amy asked. "Ha, word" Rouge said as she walked with the others. "Say Sonic, have you ever thought you could find another lover someday? Just asking" Blaze asked Sonic. "Well, sometimes yeah, I mean, having someone to love feels nice, but I am just trying to better myself before I pursue a relationship, you know" Sonic said honestly.

"Sounds about right, pursue love after you give yourself the love" Rouge said as she and the others finished their cookies. "Anyway, hope you find someone right for you, and once you do, we will be here for you, all the way" Amy said as she smiled at Sonic. "Thanks guys, it means a lot" Sonic said as he walked still. But all of a sudden, Rouge took out her phone and put it in Sonic's face. "You know what you need, a dating app, I found the perfect one for you!" Rouge said as she showed him what app she was referring to.

"Love String? What is that?" Sonic asked as he looked at the app. "It is a dating app where heterosexuals and homosexuals alike can find someone for themselves, like a crappy dating app, but much better and more welcoming, they support LGBTQIAP+, they even provide bios and contact info for you to reach them if you can't on their app, and they even show you people you might have a love connection with on your heart list! Doesn't that sound interesting hun?" Rouge asked as she smiled, hoping Sonic would give the app a chance.

"Hmm, I will think about it, it's on the Speed App Store right?" Sonic said as he takes out his phone and typed the name of the app, finding it rather quickly. "Yep, just download it and you can start whenever you want" Rouge said as she puts her phone away and keeps walking with the group. "Hopefully he finds someone" Sonia said. "Yeah, and not a catfish" Manic said. "Oh yeah, there can be catfishes, so be careful Sonic, we don't want your heart to get broken because of that" Amy said, sounding concerned for Sonic. "I won't, I promise" Sonic said as he walked with them.

~In The Late Afternoon~

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