7 : loyalty

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Moments had passed after she said that, and unplanned — Itachi gripped her hand, giving her a worried glance.

As Sasuke opened his mouth, the older Uchiha interrupted.

"Can me and Sakura have a moment alone, father?" The raven spoke, Sakura noticed how his voice held leadership yet still had the slightest gentleness to it — she would've giggled at the thought if she wasn't terrified.

"Oh — Well, yes of course. Be sure to return quickly, we want to announce while you two are here." He gave a laugh, before allowing them away.

Itachi got up, and held a hand, helping his fiancé out the room. His father smiled at the gesture, his mother the same, his brother?

He didn't do anything but grip the sheets that covered the table, one move and he'd rip it off in anger.

Watching Itachi take Sakura away like he did with everything he had,

Sakura was supposed to be loyal.


Sasuke gritted his teeth at the word, his body stiffening as he shoved himself back, excusing himself from the table. "I'm going outside."

"Son, Itachi and Sakura are—"

"Father," Sasuke looked at him with such intensity, his face burning with desperation and frustration. "I know. Im excusing myself now."

He exited the room.

It was the first time he ever spoke back towards his father, or even raised his tone.

"Sakura," He grasped her hands within his, their size difference becoming clear as she looked up at him.

"Your behavior towards Sasuke, don't .. tell me it has a reason." He murmured.

"What— What do you mean?" She jumped out of his hold, "What .. behavior?" She stammered, her voice filled with nervousness.

"I'm not accusing you of anything horrible, I notice you feel fearful of my brother. I'm not asking you anymore other than to explain, tell me, what's going on between you two?"

"Itachi — I believe it's not something you would want to know."

"You're going to be my fiancé, if word spreads out of an affair, your reputation will be ruined." He said, his voice dripping with controlled anger.

Sakura spun her head towards him with surprise, her hand raising to her chest as she looked at him with shock. "I wouldn't ever have an affair with him! He— He—" Her breathing had gotten faster, and she felt her tears drop without control. "He's the one!" She cried.

"Sakura.." Itachi hummed, pulling her closer as he tried his best to comfort her — she leaned in towards his warmth and her tears began to work — he felt her fastened heartbeat and her twitching body against his. She clutched onto his cloth so tightly, he could tell she wasn't lying.

He was surprised at how Sasuke could turn such a strong girl into this.

The pinkette who always smiled towards him, gave Sasuke motivation and encourage when no one else could deal with him.

How could he do this to her?

Itachi leaned in, his hug tightening. "Sakura, shh," He cooed. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for him. Please, I never meant harm."

"How loving."

The crow's head shot up in surprise as he pulled the pinkette closer — who stilled at the dull voice ahead of them.

"S—Sasuke-kun!" Sakura attempted to push herself out of Itachi's grasp, but he only tightened his hold — a possessive and protective nature taking over him. What are you doing? was written all over her face.


"Nii san." He mocked. "What are you doing with her?" He took a step closer, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked at Itachi — the tension becoming thick.

"Shouldn't you be at the table? Can't you see we're busy?" Itachi said, his voice remaining calm.

"Don't give me that bullshit. What exactly are you busy with? Haven't you had enough of taking everything?" He bit back.

"Go back to the table. Father is waiting." The longer haired sibling narrowed his eyes at Sasuke while saying this.

"Let go of her first." Sasuke managed to get a hold on Sakura's arm, his eyes threatening to pull her away from Itachi.

"Sasuke, why are you acting like this? Can't you see the effect you've had on her?"

Sasuke took a glance at Sakura, he noticed her mascara — dripping down her face along with her trembling lip, biting down as if to hold her back from crying once again. Sasuke's glare hardened.


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