emma is bored #3

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so today is a rant, i don't know how long, but a rant it will be. before i begin... people have opinions. i have mine, you have yours and the alien on planet zag also has an opinion. don't get mad at others for their opinions. don't think that your opinion is the 'correct' one. their is no correct opinion.

bullfighting. yes. yes i went there.

no, i do not think bullfighting is right, but i don't hate it. it is a spanish culture so why can't we leave them in peace with this and stop getting all butthurt when people disagree with our opinions. i would go to a bullfight, just because i can. nothing's stopping me, so why not. i would also go to a bull run because, again, no reason not too. just because someone else disagrees with it doesn't mean everyone else should.

i don't particularly love the bull fights but we can't do anything about a tradition. don't make people change their tradition. that tradition can mean something to the Spanish people,even if it disgusts you. if you have an issue with my opinion take it up with my brain. the side that doesn't care. so, i really don't care whether you want to feed me to lions because of this, but an opinion is an opinion nothing more. not fact, not the deciding factor in your life.

and with that, buh bye

Emma is boredWhere stories live. Discover now