1: lost with saiki, kinda

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YN was walking to the highschool, with her friend saiki. Soon as you were talking you soon ended up somewhere unfamiliar and started panicking like a normal person. we were going to be late! And now we're also lost and someone could kidnap us and AHHHH.

Saiki knew exactly where you all were but he decided that he wouldn't tell you.

He kept walking while dragging you behind and he did his psychic power thing, and now anyone at the school thinks the day is a day off of school and they were heading to the coffee shop.

Why is saiki doing this you ask? Because he knows he's about to get coffee jelly.

Saiki ate his coffee jelly silently as you were a chatter box drinking (favorite drink) talking about your week, upcoming events, past events, anything you can talk about. Hell you talked about your (favorite pastime).

After that you both went to a mall. Then a amusement park. And sooner or later it became dusk. You and saiki were walking on the chilly darkened beach.

"I really enjoyed today, I hope we can do this again sometime." He nods and hugs you, and you hug back. Then someone riding their bike passed us yelling "GET A ROOM LOVEBIRDS" you push away, embarrassed. Saiki stayed quiet and pulled you in, and kissed you.

Being surprised you freeze up for a moment, before you melt into the kiss. Best day of your life. Then he walked you home because it was getting dark and that's dangerous.

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