Chapter 1

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Tw: mentions of Karen's, stalking, and possessive behavior

This chapter has a little bit of Dundy (Dream x Fundy) in it. This book doesn't have a lot of it and  the first two chapters will probably be the only ones with Dundy in them. Just be warned and don't hate on this book just because you don't agree with a ship.

Third person POV

Dream woke up and it felt like a normal day. He groaned as he stood up. The sun shines bright completely contrasting his mood. Dream got dressed, brushed his teeth, took a shower, and ran downstairs. He skipped breakfast because he doesn't normally eat breakfast. He sits down on the couch of his small living room and turns on the T.V. He started watching YouTube but it was interrupted by the T.V switching to a news flash. The caption read 'science experiment broke out of science lab. The creature is about 9'5, has blonde hair and fur, has raccoon ears, moth wings, and spider legs and eyes. Please call the police if you find out any information about the creature. It is very dangerous so don't approach it. We advise everyone to remain calm and carry on as normal.' Then the screen went back to the unfinished YouTube video. Dream was surprised to hear about this. He hadn't even known that there was a science lab near the town. Dream shrugged it off and grabbed his phone. He started out the door with everything he needed. He walked down to his job at the small café.

His shift was fairly uneventful. The café was popular but his shift missed majority of the major rushes. He had a few Karen's come in and yell at him for stupid reasons. One of them literally yelled at him because someone had ordered some drink that she said 'invoked sin and the devil.' The drink was a hot Earl Grey tea if you were wondering. Anyways his shift wasn't to bad it was just fairly boring and uneventful. He stretched and he heard a few pops and cracks. His shift was almost over and Dream was super happy. He started wiping down the table of the customers that just left when a man, probably around 50-60, came in. Dream smiled at him and walked over to the counter. "Hello sir what can I get for you today?" Dream asks in his best customer services voice. "What do you recommend? My daughter suggested that I try this place." The man says. "Alright, well, I suggest the caramel expresso if you like sweet things but if you would prefer something more savory I suggest a regular espresso with a little vanilla." Dream says. "Alright then I'll take one of each." The man says. Dream smiles and starts on the coffees. The coffees each table about twenty minutes and he passes them back to the man. "That will be eight seventy six. Thank you and have a nice day." Dream says. "Thank you young man. You were very kind to me today." The man says. He puts ten dollars into the tip jar. "Oh- wow. Thank you so so much mister." Dream says happily. "Of course. You baristas don't make enough. I would know. The man says before he grabs his drinks and leaves. Dream smiled at his tips as he cleaned up his area. The next person to walk in was the next worker. "Hey Dream! Your shift is done." The male says. "Thank you George. Have a nice day!" Dream says as he hangs his apron onto the hook. "No problem. You have a nice day as well." George yelled back.

Dream walked back into his neighborhood. He hadn't been able to shake the feeling that someone has been watching him. Once he gets home he sees a raccoon digging through the trash. Most people would have thought of this as disgusting but Dream knew that the little creature was just hungry. Dream knew better than to approach a wild raccoon but he still had some things to give it. Dream pulled out some fresh berries he had just bought. He placed them by the trash that the raccoon was digging through. He then walked into his driveway and let the raccoon do his thing. several people tried to stop him and talk to him. Dream smiled and waved back but didn't stop to make small talk. He finally made it into his house and opened the door. He found it to be just the way he left it. Dream could still feel eyes on the back of his head. He sighed and closed the door to his apartment and he sat down on the couch. He sighed as his pet cat jumped up onto his lap. "Hello lovely. Are you hungry?" Dream asks. The cat purrs and Dream smiles "alright I'll get you some food." He stands and grabs the food. He pours it into her cat bowl and she basically pounces on the food. Dream smiles fondly at her. Suddenly a knock is heard at the door. Dream answers it with a confused look. He hadn't been expecting anyone to be doming over. "Hey Dream!" An energetic voice says. Dream smiles "hey Fundy! You look lovely as always." Fundy smiles a blushes a little "thanks Dream! You look nice too!" Fundy exclaimed. "Come on in. I just fed Patches and I don't have anything else planned." Dream says. Fundy smiles and steps into the house and they both completely missed the set of eyes staring at them from the woods.

"Alright so why are you here Fundy?" Dream asks "I'm not mad or anything I'm just curious." "Oh dad said that I could visit you. Him and mom wanted to talk about something." Fundy explains. Dream nods and Patches jumps up. She stairs at Fundy for a few minutes before curling up on Dreams lap. "I don't think Patches likes me." Fundy whispers. "Don't worry. She does. She just does that." Dream says with a shrug. "I love you." Fundy muttered quietly. "I love you to Fund's." Dream mutters as they lean into each other. "You want to play Minecraft?" Fundy asks suddenly.  Dream smirks and nods "absolutely!" Fundy laughs as they turn on their computers. They played Minecraft all night flirting and being a wholesome couple. Little did they know that this relationship was short lived. A boy watched through the trees as his dad played a game with some random person. That person is trying to steal dad. He must pay.

Hello humans! What do you think so far? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

What do you want from me? (Possessive Tommy and monster AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora