Chapter 6

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Tw:swearing, murder, death, blood, running away, implied manipulation, and mentions of starvation.

Third person POV

"Hey Toms. Why the actual fuck do you have a weapon? How did you even get that?" Ranboo demanded. "Tubbo let me have the knife. I would have taken the gun but that would be to American. Americans are wrong 'uns." Tommy says. "Tommy you do realize that we are in America. Correct? You might be from the U.K but we are in America as of right now. Also Dream is from America so you are saying that your dad is a bad person." Ranboo says. "I know that we are in America! I just think that all Americans are wrong 'uns including you Ranboob. Dad is the only exception." Tommy says in a matter of fact tone. "Tommy stop bullying my husband!" Tubbo yelled. Dream was just watching all of this unfold with much confusion. "Poor Dream. He's watching all of this and he can't understand us. He looks so confused." Ranboo says. Tommy looked down at his dad and saw the lost expression on his face. Tommy picked up Dream and hugged him. "Tommy you seriously need to stop picking your dad up. It's probably very uncomfortable." Tubbo says. Tommy looks at his dad with concern but says "he looks fine. He's not doing anything to shown that he's uncomfortable." Tubbo groans "sometimes humans don't show that they are uncomfortable. You remember how we were back at the lab." Tommy blinked slowly before his mind caught up with what Tubbo had said. "Oh. I'm sorry dad." Tommy muttered.

A few hours later there was the sound of someone outside. Tommy growled at the person but couldn't see who it was due to him having his back to the cave opening. Either Tubbo or Ranboo had also heard it because one of them sat up. Dream was a little nervous about who it was because everyone he knew was now dead. Another branch snapped under the persons feet. Clearly the person wasn't trying to be stealthy with the amount of noise they were making. Tommy stood up and went to the exit to look out. Both Ranboo and Tubbo stood and followed Tommy. Dream was alone at the opposite end of the cave. He looked behind him and saw another opening. It was small but Dream would be able to crawl through it. He weighed the options he had. If he stayed then he would be able to be with his son who he hasn't seen in years. On the other hand Tommy had also killed everyone that Dream cared about, kidnapped Dream, and Tommy was getting weirdly possessive. Honestly it was making Dream uncomfortable. After a few minutes Dream decided to book it and run away from Tommy. He heard Tommy coming back so he quickly crawled out the small crawl space and ran while Tommy was still far away.

The person that was coming towards the cave was a young man with brown hair. He had one blue eye and one brown eye. Tommy recognized this as his dads coworker. He narrowed his eyes at the young man. His friends, noticing the change, also became defensive. "Who is that?" Ranboo asks. "He's one of dads coworkers. He may try to steal him." Tommy says. Tubbo raised his wings and looked ready to attack. Tommy was the first to attack, pouncing on the young man in such a way that he heard several bones break. He was a lot taller than this man and Tubbo walked up next to Tommy with Ranboo. The sounds of pained screams echoed through the forest. A sickening crack sounded out and the scream's ceased. Tommy stepped back with the head being held in his hand. He threw it away from him as blood poured out from the man's neck. All the leaves under the man's head stained red with blood. Tubbo grabbed the body and dragged it into a small pit they had made for disposing bodies. Tommy and Ranboo watched as Tubbo threw the body into the pit. They heard the body hit the ground with a sickening sound. Satisfied with their work, they turn back to the cave.

"Hey dad! We are back." Tommy exclaimed running into the cave. "He can't understand you." Tubbo says as he and Ranboo follow Tommy. "Yeah but he can hear something so therefor he will know throat we are back." Tommy says. "Yeah yeah." Tubbo says before looking around "hey where is he?" Tommy blinked confusedly as he looked all around. Tubbo groaned before getting distracted by a small ocelot that had somehow found its way into the cave. The ocelot, seeing the humans as threats, swiftly turned and ran away. Tubbo and Tommy watched the ocelot go through the small hole in the wall. For the first time Tommy looked closely at the leaves and soft dirt littering the cave. There were distinct footprints that led to the hole where Dream had most likely crawled out. Tommy screeched in annoyance immediately alerting his friends about his distress. "What is it Tommy? What's wrong?" Tubbo asks Tommy. "Dad escaped. We have to find him. It's to dangerous out there." Tommy exclaims. Tubbo winces a little, remembering how the first few months after escaping the facility and how dangerous the wilderness was. "Well that won't do! It's super dangerous out there. He won't survive anywhere near as long as we did." Tubbo exclaims. Tommy nods solemnly and hugs Tubbo. "Come on Toms. We should start looking for dad." Tubbo says quietly. Tommy sniffs a little and let's go of Tubbo. "Come on. We have to find him before he dies." Tubbo nods and they start to pack.

Dream ran through the woods and back towards the village. When Tommy figures out that he had escaped he knows that Tommy probably won't expect him to go back to the village. He ran towards the village with much urgency. He was honestly grateful that some of his food was left out in his house. Because of the food some rats or mice might have been attracted to it so his cat, Patches, might still be alive. He also hadn't been away for that long. Just a few days so he was hopeful that Patches would be fine.

Branches whipped at Dreams face as he ran. He had to get as far away from Tommy as he can. For some reason his sense of fear or something had been muffled or stopped in the cave. Once he left the cave his fear of Tommy finally settled in. Tommy had killed everyone he knew and loved. The fear that Dream had apparently been lacking all came rushing back. He didn't know why or how but his sense of fear/common sense/ whatever had been stopped. That's why it had been so difficult for Dream to convince himself to run away. He also realized that it felt like a part of him had been returned. He ran through some flowers that he had seen all over the cave. The very moment that he smelled the scent he felt a lot calmer. He almost completely forgot why he was running and where he was going. The moment he got away from the flowers his mind seemed to snap back. It's like you aren't in control of your body and you don't feel like yourself. Dream groaned realizing why Tommy had those flowers growing all around the cave. It was so that Dream wouldn't freak out or panic. However it didn't seem to work when the emotions are super strong. Dream can remember the first day with Tommy he was super panicked and after Tommy killed his village he was still sad and scared. Dream groaned and felt like sinking into the ground. He wished that things could go back to normal. Where everyone was still alive and well. Sure he was happy that his son had come back but his son was no longer sane. He had murdered many people for no reason and he put flowers in his cave to try and trap Dream. Dream kept thinking about this as he finally made it back to the village. The village no longer felt like the place he remembered. Even though not everyone was dead, the stories and deaths had probably spooked them all away. Dream sighed sadly as he looked around. All of the houses were abandoned. Some of the plants were wilting and dead. Dream walked to his house and opened the door. Everything was the same as it had been left. There were two huge bloodstains from Fundy and Erets deaths. Dream blinked back tears as he looked around for any signs of life. He heard a small meow come from a corner. Dream whipped around and saw a cat in the corner. "Patches. Oh sweetheart I am so sorry. I missed you so much." Dream cried as the cat ran at him. She seemed to recognize him as her owner because she immediately started purring and rubbing up around his ankles. Dream could feel her ribs through her skin. "Come on darling. Let's get you some food." Dream say. He opens some of his wet cat food and poured one and a half things into her bowl. Normally he would just give her half but since she had basically been starving he decided to treat her. He also got her some fresh water and some dry food. He sat and watched Patches hungrily dig into her food. Dream sighed as he started to think of what to do next.

Hello human! I am so sorry for not updating. I was super tired and the end of term is coming up so I have some things I have to do. I am back now though! Anyways how are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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