Chapter 2

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Tw:death, murder, and possessive behavior

Third person POV

Dream and Fundy hung out and ended up spending the night at Dreams house. (They didn't fuck or anything get your minds out of the gutters.) Dream woke up with Fundy nowhere in sight. He groaned as he smelled something cooking. "I told him that he doesn't have to do that." Dream mutters to himself. He stretches and hears his back crack and pop. He starts down stairs looking around. He finally makes it to the first floor and starts to the kitchen. By now he could smell something burning. It had started smelling while he was going down the stairs. Once he got to the kitchen he sees red and gray. Dream feels his knees go weak at the sight. He feels his stomach bubble and he feels like he is about to throw up. He runs to turn off the stove which has a now blacked sand which on it. It wasn't cooked on one side but the other was completely charred. He turned away from the stove to the male laying on his back. There was a gaping hole through his chest. "Oh no. No no nonononono!" Dream sobs. On the floor layer his boyfriend covered in blood. Dream picked up the phone and dialed 911. "911 what's your emergency?" A women asks in a completely calm voice. "M-my boyfriend is dead. I came downstairs and he's dead. He has a huge hole in his chest." Dream sobs. "Ok what's your address?" The women asks. "I-it's *******" Dream says. "Ok we have some officers on their way." The women says "can you stay on the line?" "Yes I can do that." Dream sobs. "Alright I'm going to ask you a few questions. What's you name?" She asks. "Dream Wastaken." He answered. "What is the dead persons name?" She asks. "Fundy Soot. He's the son of Wilbur soot and Sally Soot." He answered quietly. "What is your age and what is his age?" She asks trying to keep Dream as calm as she can. "We are both 23." Dream whispers. "Alright the police should be there." She says. As if on queue there was a knock at the door. "Thank you." Dream says before she hangs up. Dream runs and opens the door. "Hello I am officer Eret. My officers and I want to examine the body to see if it has anything to do with the escaped experiment." Eret says. Dream nods softly and steps aside to let them in. The group of men walk into the house and immediately start searching. Dream lead Eret to the body. Dreams eyes are still over flowing with tear. "Wow. He must have been important to you." Eret says. "Yeah he was my boyfriend." Dream whispers. "I am so sorry." Eret says putting a hand on Dreams shoulder. Dream wipes his tears from his eyes. Eret left Dream and examined the body. He pulled out a few pictures from his pockets and sighed. "I am so sorry to say this but your boyfriend was kill by the escaped experiment." Eret says. "Oh. Do you know if the experiment was a human at first or what?" Dream asks suddenly. "Yeah he was originally a young boy named Tommy Innit." Eret says. Dreams whole world stopped like someone had frozen him. Tommy Innit? Maybe he isn't so lost after all. Dream thinks. "I'm sorry did you say Tommy Innit?" Dream asks. "Yeah that was his name. He was from this town actually. Did you know him? I think he lived in this neighborhood." Eret mused. "Holy shit. Yeah I knew him. He was my son." Dream says as he bursts into tears. "Oh. I am so sorry. That might be why he killed Fundy actually. If you were his father he might have gotten a little possessive. Do you want us to stay with you until we can get you a call with someone who can help?" Eret asks. "Yeah that would be nice. Thank you." Dream says. "Of course. I am going to go and talk to the person that can help you. I will be right back." Eret says. Once he leaves Dream could still hear them talking. "Yeah so the experiment is following him. We really need your help so please tell me when you can get him in with an appointment." Eret says. Someone says something on the other line. "Oh he can get in tomorrow? That great I'll tell him." Eret says. She hangs up and walks back to Dream "good news! You can have your appointment tomorrow." Eret exclaimed. Dream smiled and nodded as he ran his hand through Fundys hair as he sighed.

Eventually there was another knock at Dreams door. "Who's that?" Eret asks. "It's probably Wilbur and Sally. The police probably informed them of Fundys death." Dream says. "Who are Wilbur and Sally?" Eret asks. "Oh they are Fundy parents." Dream says. "Oh I should talk to them and explain what happened then." Eret mutters before walking over to the front door. Dream could hear talking and crying coming from the front door. Eret emerged a few moments later followed by Wilbur and Sally. "Hello mama, dad." Dream says quietly. Wilbur and Sally hugged him. The three of them cried together and Eret just continued to examine the body. "I want you to know that you will always be apart of our family even if Fundy is gone. Even if you start to date another person we will still consider you family." Wilbur says. "Thank you dad. I love you both." Dream muttered into Wilbur's chest. "Come on Dream we have to let the people do their things. You should get some rest. We'll come tomorrow and plan the funeral." Sally says and she hugs Dream "get some sleep and we'll see you in the morning." Dream nods and wipes his tears away. The couple waved goodbye and left the house. Dream sighed and went upstairs to fall asleep. He passed out the moment he hit the mattress.

Tommy watched as his dad fell asleep after his conversation with Wilbur and Sally. He had some new competition but for right now he should sleep. He missed his dad and he would stop at nothing to get him back.

Hello humans! How are you? Dream is NOT Sally and Wilbur's biological child. He just calls them mama and dad because he and Fundy were engaged and they had been friends since childhood. Dream sees them as parents because he is engaged to Fundy. Also Tommy was adopted by Dream but was taken away from him one night when he was asleep. Dream reported it and Tommy was reported missing. Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

What do you want from me? (Possessive Tommy and monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now