Chapter 14

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Harry's P.O.V

I was in the car going to hang out with Ashley, and I was not excited at all. I didn't want to let her down because that would be rude and she could say something about it to people and it could get into magazines. I decided to be happy and hang out with her the whole day, so she wouldn't have to ask to hang out another time and just make her happy and do whatever she wants.

I was texting Lily while I was driving and I know that I shouldn't do ''texting and driving'', but who cares? Everyone does that, right?

When I got to the mall, I found Ashely sitting alone at Starbucks. I went up to her and tapped on her shoulder, ''Hey, Ashley!'' I said trying to be enthustiastic.

''Oh my gosh, Harry! You actually made it!'' she said hugging me around my torso. I hugged her back and I could already smell the smoke on her.

''Yeah, I know. How are you?'' I said trying to sound happy.

''I'm good, it's so good to see you. I've missed you so much!'' she said touching my shoulder.

''Yeah, I've missed you too'' I said not looking into her eyes. I got my phone out of my pocket and checked if Lily texted back, I sighed.

''What's wrong?'' Ashley asked after she stopped rambling about how she met Justin Timberlake last night at the club.

''Nothing, I have to call someone. Is that okay?'' I asked pressing Lily's name on my phone.

''Yeah, sure. It's fine'' she said anooyed.

''Lily, Why haven't you texted me back?'' I asked on the phone. ''And why won't you answer your phone? If you're still home, get off that couch and get some fresh air and hang out with friends!'' I said getting up from my seat. ''I'll try to stop by your house, okay? Please don't be mad at me, i'll text you in a few hou- ow!'' I said rubbing my shoulder and facing Ashley. ''Ashley, hold up. Shhhh, i'm on the phone, i'll see you later Lil, if not, i'll call you later, okay?'' I said sighing.

I was hoping she wasn't mad at me. Trust me, I didn't want to be here either. I just wanted to be with Lily, maybe go jogging and have breakfast together. Take her out for ice cream and maybe hold hands in the park. Wait, what am I saying? I don't like Lily, she's just one of my bestfriends. Best friends go to the park and eat ice cream together and hold hands, right?

Lily's P.O.V

I was bored out of my mind. I couldn't think of anything to do. I didn't want to go out because what if Harry came over and I wasn't home? I wouldn't want to be out while Harry was waiting for me and besides, if I did leave this house, my phone would be dead. I was honestly so lazy to go up to my room and get my charger but, what if Harry texts or calls me?

Wow, I sound like an obsessed girlfriend, but i'm not.

''Lil, do we have popcorn?'' Brooke asked an hour later while I was watching 'A Walk to Remember.'

''Yeah, I think so.'' I said not turning towards her.

After a few hours later, I was waiting for Harry to call or text me. I was watching another movie on ABC family since they were showing movies all night. 'The Last Song' was on and all I remember was me falling asleep on this uncomfortable couch until I felt strong, muscular hands carry me bridal style to my room.

Harry's P.O.V

The day was finally over and it was already 2 a.m. but it wasn't stopping me from not seeing Lily even if it was late and I was tired. When I called Lily and Brooke atleast a billion times, they didn't answer. So, I looked for the key and found it under the mat.

When I was going up to Lilys room, I saw the living room t.v on and I walked inside and saw Lily sprawled onto the couch. I smiled, she was so cute when she was asleep. She looked cold since she was sleeping in a fetus position. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, her eyes were closed so, you couldn't see her perfect brown eyes, and her lips were parted a little.

I started fixing the stuff around her. Throwing away trash, turning off the t.v, fixing the pillows, so her living room didn't look like a mess when she woke up. When I picked her up gently, she was light, like a feather. I wrapped my ams around her tiny figure and carefully gathered her phone and charger in my hand and walked her upstairs in her room.

I was happy. We were bestfriends, we could do these kinds of stuff even if we were friends with benefits and it just wouldn't seem awkward to us.

When I layed her down gently on her bed, I covered her in blankets and made her pillows fluffy and comfortable enough, just the way she liked it. When I was done, I put her phone and charger down on the table next to her bed and was about to leave when I felt a light tug on my arm.

''Harry?'' Lily said tiredly. I turned around and her small hand was touching my right arm and I felt a rush of butterflies rising towards my stomach.

''Yes?'' I said with a lump forming onto my throat.

''Stay with me'' she whispered. I looked around and didn't know what to do. We usually didn't do things like this. We would usually have sex and then, I would stay the night because I would be too tired to change and go back home.

She patted the other side of her bed and smiled at me, I gulped and took off my sweater and shoes before sliding into bed with her. Right when I put my head to the pillow, I felt a warm hand wrap around my torso and her head onto my chest. I started breathing quickly not knowing what to do. Maybe she was just really tired and didn't know it was me?

After feeling more comfortable, I put my arm around her shoulder, kissed her forehead, and started smiling, loving the feel of her around me. So warm and actually really, perfect.

I was about to go to sleep when I remembered her request a few minutes ago and said, ''Always.''

Friends with Benefits (Harry Styles)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora