Chapter 18

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Harry's P.O.V

I got up bright and early as usual for my morning jog with Lily, it felt like I got used to it now, getting up at 5:30 in the morning everyday to go jogging with her, but I was okay with it. It certainly got me more in shape and I got to spend time with her as a bonus, so all is well.

When I drove to Lily's house and texted her I was here, I heard her running down the stairs and opening the door, she had her hair up in a messy ponytail, her face clear of makeup, she still had her pajamas on with a toothbrush in her mouth, I laughed at her appearence, she was adorable.

"What?" She asked while her toothbrush was still in her mouth

"Oh, nothing" I laughed while walking in

"I'll be back, you can come up if you want" she said while jogging up the stairs

I smiled this is what I loved about Lily, she never was uncomfortable about her appearence, it is like she is comfortable wearing anything or doing anything in front of me. Walking into the kitchen, looking for yogurt that she always had and I always loved eating, there was no more, I sighed. 

When I walked into her room, I found her lying on her bed, asleep. One second she has a toothbrush in her mouth, the next she is fast asleep like a baby. I had the urge to take a picture, but knew she would probably kill me, but she would not kill me if she did not know I took a picture of her sleeping, right?

I got out my phone and quietly took a picture of her sleeping, all cuddled up in her blanket with her legs draped over a long violet pillow. She looks so calm and peaceful and relaxed, I almost did not want to bother her, I mean it was almost 6 am and that was way too early for a person to be up and she must be exhuasted from work yesterday.

I decided not to wake her and gently scoot her over, so I could sleep too. "Harry?" she whispered softly.

"Shh, it is okay, go back to sleep" 

"But we should go jog now" She said facing me

"It is still dark out, we can later, just go back to sleep, you need it" I said putting the blanket under her chin and scooting over to her. She nodded and closed her eyes, I stared at her for a second and smiled, her eyelashes resting on her cheeks, brows furrowed and her pink lips parted, I wanted to kiss the crease on her forehead away, but I did not want to wake her. I stared at the ceiling, hands on my stomach when I noticed that I was on the wrong side of the bed, she was on mine and I was on hers,


We were under her covers, laying down watching Iron Man 2, her head resting on my shoulder, I knew she was about to fall asleep with the way her eyelashes fluttered from time to time, I could feel it on my shoulder so I put my arms tighter around her waist, so she lay on my chest instead.

"Harry, do you know what I just noticed?" she said mumbling 

"What?" I asked running my hands through her hair, I always loved her hair, it was soft and long, black with brown highlights that was remaining to fade away, it was like a habit, to run my fingers through her hair, I could not help it

"You are on my side of the bed"

"What?" Her side of the bed? Well, she did have a point, I never usually lay here now that I think of it, she was always on the right side of the bed 

"You are on my side of the bed, I thought you knew that?"

"Oh, oops" I said looking down at her with a grin on my face

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