chapter 4

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you were sleeping well until you got woken up by your sister. "come on! wake up! the tulkun arrive today!" ay'olna yelled jumping around happily.

your clans tulkun were just now coming to visit because of everything that has been happening. but since everything is okay for now, the metakayina allowed your tulkun to come visit.

"okay okay, just quiet down a little." you said with a smile. you then got up and got ready for the day. "are you gonna tell your spirit sister about ao'nunggggg" your sister teased. "oh shut it" "what it's true!" she then ran away. you rolled your eyes in annoyance as you finished getting ready.

your father came into the room with a smile on his face. "i'm so happy we're able to see our spirit brothers and sisters again." he said. you then remembered about ronals tulkun and spoke up about it. "did um, ronal ever tell you about her tulkun and calf?" your father looked at you with a slight frown. "yes, she did. but she's the one who offered our tulkun come here because she knows how long it's been since we've seen our spirit siblings."

ronal allowed the tulkun to arrive? maybe she's not as bad as you thought. you smiled at your fathers comment as you grabbed something to eat and walked out the door telling your father bye.

you went to go join the other teens, ao'nung, tsireya, lo'ak, rotxo, spider, kiri, and even tuk. "this is going to be so exciting!" tuk said with a smile. you looked over at kiri and saw her talking to rotxo. you had a feeling there was something special between them but you wasn't 100% sure because she also seems really close with spider.

"when was the last time you even saw your spirit sister?" ao'nung asked. "some point last year, around the last annual tulkun arrival. when your spirit siblings arrived, so was ours but our home was burnt down so they got sent a signal to not come." you replied. "that's so long. i'm sure you have a lot to catch up on." tsireya commented.

"yeah, but i'm just glad i'll be able to see my spirit sister again." you smiled at the thought of seeing your spirit sister. you noticed spider looking sort of antsy. you made eye contact with the human boy and looked at him in confusion. he immediately looked away from you which took your sort of by surprise.

"y'know something that isn't fair? how spider gets to talk underwater because of his oxygen mask." lo'ak suddenly said tapping the boys mask. spider then looked at you and the three other ocean kids. "you can't speak underwater?"

"nope, we use sign language so communicate. the only noise we really make underwater is when we're calling our ilu." rotxo said. "i thought this whole time you guys were able to talk underwater but just used sign language to talk to them."

that made you four laugh a little. "we don't just do it with other navi. we communicate with sign language too with our tulkuns. we can understand the noises they make but we can only reply using sign language." tsireya added.

"damn, and i thought i was stupid." lo'ak said. "i mean you still are but i guess we're not ready for that conversation yet." kiri said jokingly. "i am very much smart" the boy said trying to defend himself.


it was now time for the tulkun to arrive. you were anxiously waiting to hear the sound of their arrival. after 5 minutes of waiting, you eventually heard the noise. you jumped on na'li and made your way to the tulkun with many other na'vi following right behind.

you saw your spirit sister and swam right towards her. 'hello my sister, i see you.' you signed. the tulkun started making noises. 'hello, how have you been?' 'i've been doing great since we moved here. i'm so grateful.' the tulkun moved her little fins to show her happiness.

'that's great, i'm so glad to see you again.' you smiled at your tulkun. 'so am i. i also met a boy and he's really sweet but i don't think it would work out between us.' you signed with a slight frown. 'why not?' 'he's from this village, not ours.' 'i don't understand, can't he just stay with your people ?' you gave her a saddening look.

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