chapter 14

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you were back home, everything was peaceful again, or so you thought. you started to hear screams throughout the village. you walked out of your hut and saw sky people scattered around the village.

your hand went over your mouth as you started crying. you looked around frantically, looking for your parents or sister. while you were looking you felt yourself get snatched up. you started screaming as you were brought to shore to where your parents were.

"we do not know anything! he is forest, we are sea." your father said, trying to stay calm. "please! we don't know nothing!" your mother said. you were scared and crying. the small human boy turned to you with a face of guilt.

"i'm sorry! i didn't know he'd do this!" the human boy said. "please.. tell him to go. we don't know if this jake sully." your mother said. the human boy started explaining to an older man in some foreign language but you could tell the man wasn't buying it.

the man then pointed at you and asked, "is this your daughter?" you looked at your parents with fear as the man waited for their response. "no." your father finally said.

the man then nodded and turned towards his men, "burn the homes." your face was covered with fear as you watched this all happen once again. your parents and other clan members were screaming, but all you could do is cry and hold your sister.

you then woke up, tears going down your face. you sat up and brought your knees to your chest, quietly sobbing. you then decided to get up and go for a walk along the shore, so you then quietly got up and left your pod, making your way to the shore.

once you got to the shore, you sat down and started making little doodles in the sand with a stick you found. it was kind of nice to just hear the waves crashing. you then heard and noise, your ears perked up towards the noise as you slowly pulled your dagger out and looked around behind you.

you then slowly started to see a figure and realized it was ao'nung. you sighed out of relief as you put your dagger back in its pocket. he walked towards you and sat down right beside you.

"did i scare you?" the boy asked, chuckling a little. "no, not at all." you replied sarcastically beginning to draw in the sand again.

he then put his hand on your waist and pulled you a little towards him, "are you okay? why are you out here all alone?" you just shrugged, not really wanting to talk about it.

"if you do not want to talk about it, then that's okay mar. just know i'm here for you okay?" he said, kissing your cheek. you gave him a little smile as you put your head onto his shoulder.

"i just had a bad dream, that is all. i just needed fresh air." you said. you felt ao'nung nod against your head as he began to speak, "i understand, and now you can't sleep also i assume?" "yeah, that too." you said.

"do you want to go ride ilus for a little bit? get your mind off that dream?" ao'nung asked. you looked at him with a smile plastered on your face. you nodded at his offer and he then helped you up once he stood up.

you followed him into the shore and he began calling for two ilus. you watched as he called the ilus, that same smile on your face but just a little bigger. you then got on one of the ilus that ao'nung called and began to follow him.

after you guys got a little far out, ao'nung started doing flips in the air with the ilu and it made you laugh because he almost failed at one of the flips. "don't laugh!" ao'nung said. "it was funny!" you replied, still laughing. ao'nung playfully rolled his eyes while smiling to himself.

you also started doing flips in the air and then went under ao'nung and nudged him making him fall off his ilu. he quickly came back up to the surface and shook his head, "now why did you do that?"

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