Chapter 2.

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Winger Cutter Dak and Leyla head into the caves. They all enter the caves and walk around for a bit, they light a lantern to see better. A split second after they light it they see a slight shadow Leyla notices it and points it out cutter saw it as well dak and winger didn't though. Leyla asks cutter if he can quickly fly to it while winger and the siblings follow. Cutter quickly takes it into an act he fly's after it, winger surprised but having no time to waste, followed. Dak and Leyla quickly follow. (Their position, Dak, Leyla, Winger and Cutter) Dak being in the back is the last one to see the mist he hears winger and cutter coughing Leyla however is just confused. Soon after the Coughing both the siblings hear a loud THUNK! Leyla and dak scream asking if the dragons are ok..... No answer. They ask again... No answer. Finally the mist lowers the dragon is no longer in sight. However right in front of them is two tall humanoid people one a grayish brown for skin color with brown hair and dragon scale warrior outfit with a tail with blades on the end and spikes around it. The other having a light goldish white skin with blue hair and matching with the other "thing" wearing a dragon scale looking warrior outfit except it was a mix of blues with blue medium sized wings and a webbed blue tail. Dak and Leyla shocked to see what they are, just stay silent for a couple seconds until the brown one speaks..

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