Chapter 3.

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        "Jeez that smoke was weeeeerid" ignoring him dak and Leyla stare and easily recognizeing them dak says "oh" Leyla replays "my" both very loudly yell "GOSH!!!!! " Cutter and Winger shocked a tad bit scared and surprised are worried. cutter asks what's happening and what's going on.winger equally as confused says he doesn't know and in the middle of the next sentence looks at cutter both stare in shock of what happened a slight blush of horror embarrassment and terror appear on their faces. After like 2 seconds of starring and they scream in shock.  "CUTTER!? " "WINGER!! " Both in shock and and overall scared/happy/wtf  
Scream and soon than you can think or in other words in a matter of seconds they scream and ask millions and millions of questions "WHAT HAPPENED WHAT'S GOING ON WHAT'S THIS WHAT THE HELL IS THIS WHY IS HE CUTE WHAT!? WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING DID YOU SEE THE DRAGON!? WHAT. THE. HELL IS GOING OONN!? "

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