Snakes in The Garden by EMMcNulty

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Snakes in the Garden

By EMMcNulty

They come out to bathe when the rains have gone,

Through the cold, wet grass to the warm, warm sun.

I remember the year; it was twenty-two,

They said it would end then; they said we'd be through.

In twenty we thought it would last just a month,

But the months kept on passing; it turned twenty-one.

Stay home in the garden; don't go for a walk,

Watch the snakes in the grass; hear the parakeets talk.

Can I go to the store?

You must wear a mask.

Can we go to the shore?

Not today, please don't ask.

I'm sick; yes, we all are,

Just stay in your room.

And give us a holler

Or call us on Zoom

Get your vaccines in a hurry, that is, if you can,

And if you catch it, you must have a plan.

It was the Queen's birthday; they said it was over,

We listened to pipers, and sang Gypsy Rover.

No more masks, no more Zoom, no more cancelled sleepovers.

But several days later, we were all in bed,

We'd all tested positive, and someone was dead.

I remember the year; it was twenty-two,

They said it would end then; they said we'd be through.

But here I sit with the snakes in the grass,

Wondering if it will ever pass.

Nine days in the hospital; five months have gone,

I'm not quite well yet; I bask on the lawn,

Three parakeets talk in the morning dawn.

There's nowhere to go; I let out a yawn.

The doctor cancelled my appointment today,

He tested positive and must stay away.

Isabelle's sick, and so is her daughter,

Will's throat swelled up so, he couldn't drink water.

The butcher, the baker, and half the school,

They're getting it once again, seems like the rule.

There's a war in Ukraine, and political strife,

Someone assaulted Rushdie with a knife.

Inflation is up, and some can't pay for heat,

If you don't win the election, the other's a cheat.

People are hungry, they want to leave home,

On boats that are not meant to brave the sea foam.

The crooks are in power, looking out for themselves,

We can't even find flour on grocery store shelves.

I remember the year; it was twenty-two,

They said it would end then; they said we'd be through.

I envy the snakes in their garden life,

They come and they go and they know no strife.

And the parakeets are always chatting away,

But their chatter is happy, it's all about play.

While I sit in my chaise and take in the sun,

Wondering if it will ever be fun.

Wondering if once more I'll ever be me,

At some point in time in the year twenty-three.

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