Chapter 1

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Neve Amélie Galemore

Sniffing, I wrapped my fingers around the mug of hot chocolate, the heat spreading throughout my hand in an instant. I smiled when the sweetness of chocolate touched my buds. I instantly felt a little better. The weather where I live is a bit unpredictable, so I wasn't even surprised when I woke up with my feet freezing. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely winter but my body doesn't agree. I get sick easily ever since I was a child, and the cold is just too much for my health.

I looked at the clock and saw that it's just seven in the morning. I still have more than an hour to get ready for my work. About two years ago, my grandparents left me to fend for myself. It's definitely not a pleasant memory. At first, it was so hard knowing that I'm all alone. Crying myself to sleep became a daily occurrence but as time went by, it became easier. It will always hurt but I've already accepted the fact that I'm alone and I still have to live. Not just for myself but also for them.

About six months ago, I've decided to find a work to help with the expenses and I guess, to distract myself as well. My grandparents left all their properties and money to me so working isn't necessary, but I can't use their money without feeling guilty. I found a job in a café near the university I'm planning to enroll to and the owner there is the sweetest old man I met, after my grandfather of course. What I love about the café is that it's divided into the normal café and a small library. People can order and read a book afterwards.

I finished my hot chocolate and went upstairs to get ready. Rummaging through my closet, I pulled a long white sleeves blouse, black jeans and a light brown cardigan. I didn't take a shower since I already took one last night. Looking at myself in the mirror, I inwardly cringed when I saw how tired I look like. It was past four in the morning when sleep took over me. I'm having a hard time sleeping these past few days and the nightmares are back. And to add, I promised my grandparents to stop taking pills.

Sighing, I picked up the brush and started combing my hair. I'm really thankful to have a healthy and smooth hair, all thanks to my grandmother. I remembered when I was young, she would always brush my hair before going to bed. I just let my hair stay down since it's cold. I rubbed some lip gloss before putting my boots on. Looking at my reflection one last time, I slipped a beanie over my head and took my bag.

I instantly shivered when I opened the door, the cold air making me sniff. I exhaled and rubbed my hands together, in attempt to warm myself. Even though it's freezing, I can't help but smile while walking in the forest. Beautiful. At first, I was a bit confused why my grandparents decided to build a house in the middle of the forest, but I think I somehow understand them now.

I was hesitant at first if I should live here but I'm not regretting my decision. The constant swaying of the trees, the soft humming of birds and just the warming essence of the forest in general, it calms me. It's peaceful here, away from the eyes of many people. But, it's not always safe or warm here. I know that there's something dark lurking around. Ralph, my boss, always reminds me to be careful.

He always gives warning like not to roam around the forest especially at night or not to cross the boundary near the waterfalls. The area beyond the waterfalls is off-limits and I don't know why. I would ask him every single time but he just gives vague answers like there are some wild animals out there. But I think it's enough to keep me guarded. It's really true that every beautiful thing has a dark side in them.

Pushing the door, the aroma of coffee, cakes and other sweets wafted out the café and it put a smile on my face. It's a bit early for my shift so there's no other people except for Ralph and his granddaughter, Sam, who happens to be my age. Ever since I moved here, she has been the closest friend I have. I'm so thankful for them. They welcomed me without knowing me, I feel warm, and I owe it to them.

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