Chapter 3

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Atsuki sat in front of Ryuzaki, who was sitting in his usual deduction position. She studied his face, taking in the details as she raised her coffee to her lips and drank.

"Is there something on my face?" Ryuzaki was watching her just as intensely.

"No. I'm studying you. I do this to everyone."

"Tell me what you see, then."

Atsuki paused for a moment before she spoke. "I see someone who struggles socially. Who seems to find comfort in their own home, and don't go out much or talk much to people. You seem like the type to be very inelegant, a mad genius without the mad, but replace it with a strong sense of justice. Why else would you become L?"

Ryuzaki was surprised. She hit the nail on the head. "You're correct. I am socially awkward; I prefer to be alone for the most part and have trouble working with people. I do also have a strong sense of justice."

She nodded in response. "Makes sense, considering who you are. I bet you have a strong will as well." She adjusted herself in her seat, taking a sip of her coffee. "Now the real question is this: why are you interested in me?"

Ryuzaki took a bite of his strawberry shortcake. "Well," he started, "there are cameras in your house. I've been watching your family to make sure none of you are Kira suspects. However, I suspect Light Yagami to be Kira." He stated calmly, and Atsuki knew she was in for a treat today.

"That's interesting because I also think that Light could be Kira. He's been acting different lately; more cold, less joyful. He's paranoid about people entering his room, and his aura feels off. Like there's death lingering around him. I don't like it."

Atsuki was quiet for a moment to let Ryuzaki take in all of her information before she started again.

"I've also been working on something. As you might have seen in the cameras in my house."

"What would that be?"

"As you know, I'm a shinobi. And I've been working on my healing abilities lately, as well as training more of my jutsu and kenjutsu. If you don't know what that is, it's my sword technique," she explained. "But back to it. What I've been working on is a seal to see otherworldly creatures. I don't know if it'll even work, considering I don't know if we can even use chakra here, but I'm gonna try. I want to see what's been following Light. I can sense it's there, I just can't see it. I don't know if it'll work, or if there's anything even there. But I want to know."

The redhead took a sip of her coffee, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the beverage. She hadn't had it back when she was in her other world, and it was something she didn't know she would like. She bought decaf after the barista explained the difference between regular coffee and decaf coffee, and she knew that if she had regular coffee she would be just as energetic as Naruto was daily. She didn't want that.

"I see. I'd like to have you and your sister Sakura on the case, then. If you can find this otherworldly creature, let me know."

Ryuzaki unfolded his legs from his chest and proceeded to stand up.

"If you decide to join, please text the number on the phone I gave you. A car will pick you up tomorrow around 13:30."

Atsuki stood from her chair, placing her cup down to stretch out her back. After she was done, she picked the drink back up and nodded.

"Alright. You won't need to call. I'm gonna be there. You said Sorichio works for you too, yes?"

"Yes. I noticed you don't call him Father or Dad even after he adopted you. Why is that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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