Chapter 1: One Choice

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I looked around the dull, white hospital room. Machines beeped constantly and tubes were attached to me. Not much to look at. I looked out the window and smiled. At least the sun was shining.

I heard footsteps walk towards my room and the door opened. I smiled as I got hugged by each of my friends. Then Mara engulfed me into a hug, crying into my shoulder and talking gibberish. I laughed and hugged her back.

"You're alive... My baby's alive!" she exclaimed.

"I am," I said.

Mara sat in the chair beside my bed and the others just stood a little away from us. I glanced over at Bonnie and he seemed nervous.
"Hey Bonnie, you okay?" I asked.

"I should be asking you that. You were the one who got stabbed," he said, walking over to the side of the bed and sitting on the edge of it.

"I'm fine."

"Then so am I."

We all talked for a little longer. A nurse came in and said visiting hours were over.

"Are you kidding me? My daughter died and came back and you expect me to just leave her?" Mara yelled.

"I'm terribly sorry ma'am but she needs to rest. I will give you 5 minutes extra but then you need to leave. I am very sorry but she needs rest and we need to make sure she is okay," the nurse stated. She closed the door and Mara sat down, crying into her hands. I reached out to touch her shoulder but winced in pain. I got stabbed in the stomach and it hurts. Right...

"(Y/N) are you alright?" Chica asked.

"I am fine. Can't reach out for stuff," I said, holding my stomach. Mara looked up and sighed.

"The nurse is right. We do need to leave. However we will visit you everyday from the start of visiting hours to the end until you get better," she said. They gave me hugs and left except for Bonnie.

"I wish I was there to protect you. Its all my fault," he said, caressing my face.

"No it isn't. You wouldn't have known and I am glad it was me, not Mara," I said, smiling.

"I wish it was me, not you. You went through so much pain..."

"You don't need anymore pain..."

He smiled and kissed my forehead. He got up and walked toward the door.

"I will make sure those popular teens know what happened to you and make sure they feel bad. Maybe when you get back, they will be nicer," Bonnie said, smirking. I nodded. "Goodbye Princess."

"Bye Rockstar," I said. I saw Bonnie's face turn a slight pink as he walked out of the room. I sighed as I drifted off to sleep, not realizing how tired I am.


My child...

"Mom! You're back again!" I exclaimed, hugging my mother again.

I have some things to tell you...

"What is it?"

You are only allowed to bring two people with you to find the parents of your friends... One boy and one girl...

"So Chica will go with me. How do I choose between the four boys though?"

You will know when the time is right... Also, your father has gathered a group of teens to help him stop you... Don't let them get in your way...

"O-okay... Do you know who they are?"

Unfortunately no... However I do know there are 6 of them... You don't know them...

"Okay. I won't let you down."

I know you will do great... Now you must choose the boy you will go with...

"I don't know... Do I have to choose now?"


I thought for a few seconds, then came up with my answer.

"My boyfriend, Bonnie, will go with me as well."

Alright... I will talk to the two of them in their dreams so you don't have to explain too much to them... You will get out of the hospital in 2 weeks... Once that happens, you and your two friends will begin looking for their parents... I will watch over the three of you... This will not be the last time I speak with you my daughter... I will speak to you soon enough...


Well here it is! I hope you all enjoy this book as much as the first. Anyway, the second book I will be writing at the same time will be Gold's book. That will be posted soon. That's all for now.

Catch you on the flipside,

The Rockstar's Girl (Bonnie x Reader) (Book 2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora