Chpater 5: The Music Box

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We all looked at the guy. He was tall and wore a black sweater with white stripes on the sleeves. He wore black jeans, black Vans, and seemed to not care about anything. He had black hair and dark gray eyes.

"Who are you?" Chica asked, eyeing the guy suspiciously.

"Mari. Can I see the music box or what?" he asked, a bored yet annoyed expression on his face.

"You seem sketchy," Bonnie said.

"If I have to take it by force, I will." Suddenly, strings appeared, ripping the music box out of Chica's hands. Chica tried getting it back, but the strings threw it to Mari. Bonnie got up and lunged at the guy but he sidestepped out of the way, causing Bonnie to fall.

"Give the music box back!" I demanded, getting up.
I felt a small tug on my arm and looked down to see a small boy about 8 or 9 years old.

"Hi!" he exclaimed. He has brown hair under a red and blue hat with a propeller on the top and bright blue eyes. He wore a red and blue T-shirt, blue pants, and brown shoes.

"That's BB," Mari said.

"Mari! Do you think we can take her with us?" BB asked, hugging me.

"I don't see why not. Boss will probably be happy to see her again."

"No! You are not taking her!" Bonnie yelled, charging at Mari. Mari sidestepped again but Bonnie managed to turn quickly and punch the black haired boy in the gut.

"You little... There's nothing you can do to stop us," Mari said.

"You sure about that?"

"I am actually." Mari wound up the music box and a small lullaby began playing. I started getting really sleepy.

"What's going on?" Chica asked. She fell to the floor, asleep.

"Like I said, there's nothing you can do to stop us."

Bonnie was the next to fall asleep. Then my eyes began closing. Mari gave BB the music box and picked me up. After that, my vision faded as I drifted off to sleep.


I opened my eyes and sat up quickly to find myself in a bed. Was that all a dream? Of course not. I have never seen this room before. The door opened to a girl walking in, similar to Chica, but a little more... How should I put this... Showy. She wore a a yellow crop top and white shorts with yellow flipflops. She had blonde hair that was longer than Chica's in a small side pony tail, blue eyes, and a lot of make-up.

"Hey (Y/N)! How was your sleep?" she asked.

"How do you know my name? Where am I?" I asked.

"The boss told me and you are at our mansion."

"Who's your boss?"

"I can't tell you unfortunately. Would you like to get out of this stuffy room?"

"I guess."

"My name is Chloe by the way. There are some clothes in the closet for you to change into if you would like. I'll wait outside." With that, she walked out of the room. I got up and went to the closet and found a bunch of dresses. I didn't really want to wear a dress right now but it's all that was available at the moment. I chose a (F/C) short sleeve dress that went to my knees. It flowed with every movement I made, but it was comfortable. It was a simple dress too.

I walked outside and, sure enough, Chloe was waiting right outside the door. She smiled when she saw me and start walking down the hall, gesturing for me to follow, so I did. There were a bunch of doors on each side of the hallway. They were all labeled which was weird too. Storage room. Game room. Guest bedroom. 

"I guess I should take you to see the boss first. He'll probably want to say hello,"Chloe said, glancing back. I nodded. As much as I wanted to know who their boss was, I was just as afraid to find out. What if he wanted to kill me? What kind of person was he?

What if he was Vincent?

We reached a staircase that led downstairs and were brought to a complicated door. Cliche. We walked through the doors and I gasped. Sat before me, was my dad...


Heyo Balloons! This is kinda a crappy chapter but I will make it up to you. I actually started losing ideas while writing this but do not worry! I have more ideas again! Also, I have started doing digital art and was wondering if maybe you guys would like to see what I draw when I'm not writing. 

On another note, thank you all so much for more than 30K reads on Daughter of a Murderer! I am very happy and really surprised at how far we've come. And it's all because of you readers. Thank you so much and let's see where we go from here.

Catch you on the flipside,


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