Chapter 3: The Blue Boy

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I called Chica and told her to meet up at the downtown coffee shop. Bonnie and I sat at a table, waiting for Chica. We sat in silence for a few minutes. I looked at Bonnie and smiled. He seemed zoned out and he was just staring out the window. It was so cute. He tapped his hand to a beat on the table.

"Hey guys!" a high pitched feminie voice called. Chica sat next to me and smiled.

"Hey Chica. How's it going?" I asked.

"Good. Is the Bonster okay?"

I shrugged and tapped his hand. He immediately looked down at his hand and then at me, confused. Chica and I burst out laughing.

"What?" he asked. "When did you get here Chica?"

"If you were paying attention you would have found out that (Y/N) is going to die from a deadly disease," Chica said, winking at me.

Bonnie's eyes widened and his eyes started watering. Chica and I laughed again. Bonnie just looked at us confused. Then realization hit him and he blushed in embarrassment.

"Okay... Let's just talk about our mission..." Bonnie said, annoyed. I reached across the table and held his hand.

"Sorry B... Anyway, we have to find your parents. We already have an idea of where Bonnie's parents may be so we can start there. However, we can't just walk to the house and be like, 'Hey we need a gift and your dead child is actually alive in a different way!'" I explained.

"Right... So we need to go there for a reason. What should that reason be?" Chica asked.

"Maybe we can ask my parents to explain a little more about me when I was 'alive' and say its for a school project," Bonnie suggested, squeezing my hand.

"Sounds like a plan... So when should we go?" I asked.

"How about tomorrow? After school. For now we should just plan out the rest of our mission," Chica said. I nodded. We began talking about where we should go next when a boy with blue hair and a lighter blue stripe on his bangs sat next to Bonnie.

"Uhh can we help you?" Bonnie asked, rasing an eyebrow.

"Sorry... I just saw you guys talking and decided to join you. Is that alright?" the boy asked. He looked directly at me, his emerald green eyes shining as he flashed a grin. I won't lie, my heart fluttered a bit.

"We were kinda talking and you kinda intruded," Bonnie spat, glaring at the boy.

"Yeah... I don't have many friends and am socially awkward. What are your names?"

"None of your business. Now could you please leave?"

"Fine, I know when I'm not wanted..." The boy got up, putting his hands in his pocket. He grinned at me and I think I blushed a little. He is kinda cute... "My name is Bryan by the way."

With that, the boy left.

"I hate him," Bonnie muttered.

"Looks like someone's jealous," Chica teased.

"Am not! I just... Don't like his hair..."


I laughed. We decided to leave the coffee shop and when we walked out, the same boy was leaning against the building. He seemed to be waiting for us. He looked at me again and I grabbed Bonnie's hand.

"Maybe I can help you on your mission. I happen to know the locations of every one of your friends' parents so it would be a piece of cake for you if you let me help," Bryan said. I looked up at Bonnie and he was glaring daggers.

I looked back at Bryan. He was a little shorter than Bonnie but still tall. He wore a blue T-shirt with a blue vest over it. He wore black jeans and Converse and fingerless gloves. He seemed okay...

"What did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Well, for starters you don't need to plan out your entire mission right now. First you go to Purple's parents," he said, pointing at Bonnie, "then get the gift. His parents will help you find the next one by giving you a clue to where the others are. Simple. However you need something to prove that you are the group that must recieve the gifts. If you don't have that something, then the parents won't give you the gifts you need to collect. I just so happen to have that something."

"And what is that something?" Chica asked.

"Agree to let me join you and I will give it to you."

Chica looked to me and I shrugged. Bonnie squeezed my hand tighter and shook his head.

"What choice do we have Bonnie? It is better than nothing," I said.

"Did I mention you also have a one week time limit to collect all the gifts?" Bryan said, smirking.

"What?!" the three of us exclaimed. A time limit? Why didn't my mother tell me about this?

Bonnie growled. "If what you're saying is true then we have no choice but to let you help us. However if I find that you are lying even the tiniest of lies," Bonnie said, picking Bryan up by the collar of his shirt and getting in his face, "then I will not hesitate to hurt you. Understand?"

"Crystal clear!" Bryan exclaimed, smiling. Bonnie rolled his eyes and dropped him, walking back over to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and continued glaring at Bryan.

"Well welcome to the team Bryan... So since we have the time limit, should we get going to find our parents? We really don't have much time," Chica said.

"First I want to know what this something that we needed is. So tell us Bryan. What is the something that we need that you have?" I questioned.

"Oh, well I guess I can tell you... It's a..."


CLIFFHANGER! So I will try to update again this weekend. Literally I already have my calender marked for when chapters should be released. Next week is going to be difficult since its the week of finals so please be patient. I do hope you enjoyed this long awaited chapter and I am terribly sorry for not updating sooner. I will do my best to update for you guys.

Catch you on the flipside,

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