Chapter 14: Bonnie's Soft Side

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(Bonnie's POV. WARNING: Feels... A lot of them)

I woke up for the third time tonight. I sat up, shaking as I ran a hand through my hair. I've had so many nightmares about (Y/N) that I'm afraid to even visit her in the hospital. She was stabbed by her father but he was arrested and taken far away afterwards. (Y/N) was taken to a hospital but she lost a lot of blood and nearly died. She gets dizzy most days, sleeping a lot, and I have no idea if she'll be okay or not. Everyone says she'll be fine, but I can't help but feel the way I am. I sighed as I got up and got dressed in my regular attire. I looked at the time. 4 am. Great. I decided to take a walk outside. I left the house and instantly tripped on something. I fell to the ground and groaned in pain. I looked at my hands and saw they were all scraped up. Just my luck. I sat up and turned to see a package on my door step. I opened it and found a small music box. The same music box from my dream. I sighed and picked it up. Winding it up, it was a sweet lullaby. I put the music box in my hoodie pocket and got up, walking down the street. It was completely silent except for the occasional car. I looked up at the starry sky and smiled. The stars were free from this entire hell. And I know there are souls up there too.

My mother always told me that the stars were just souls of passed descendants and that they guarded and watched us. And I know my mother is up there with them, watching over me. I wish we had passed on like everyone else, but I guess it's okay since we met (Y/N).

(Y/N)... If only it was me and not you... You deserve none of this pain...

I looked around at my surroundings and found I was standing in front of the hospital. I knew it was a bad idea since they would turn me away but I had to try and see (Y/N). I walked through the doors and walked up to the front desk. A young woman looked up from her computer and smiled at me.

"I know I can't but I need to see someone," I said, giving her a distressed look. The young woman made a complicated face and shook her head. I looked down and put a hand up to my face. I felt water and realized I was crying. Of course... I had to see (Y/N)...

"Sir, I'll let you go visit them if it really means a lot to you," the woman said. I looked up and she smiled pitifully. I smiled and thanked her so much. She allowed me to go to (Y/N)'s room. I stood in front of the door and exhaled. I placed my hand on the door knob and walked in quietly.

"B-Bonnie..." a soft whispery voice said. I looked up and saw (Y/N) lying down, attached to a bunch of machines and barely awake. I smiled and rushed to her side. I sat down in the chair next to her and she held out her hand to me weakly. I held it firmly and felt tears fall down my face. "Don't cry, Rockstar..."

"I'm so glad you're okay... I wish it was me who was stabbed... You don't deserve the pain you've gone through..." I whispered. I didn't care that I was crying.

"No... Bunny Boy..."

(Y/N) tried to sit up but winced in pain and lied back down. She looked over at me and smiled.

"I had nightmares, Bunny... I couldn't sleep..." She talked so quietly.... "I'm glad you're here..."

I smiled and took out the music box. I wound it up a bit and placed it on the table next to her. She smiled and listened.

"I want you to sing for me, Bunny..." she said. I nodded and began singing a soft lullaby my mother used to sing to me. (Y/N) smiled and closed her eyes. She soon fell asleep but I didn't leave her side. I stayed the rest of the night with her. No one told me to leave and I was okay with that. I leaned over her and kissed her softly on the forehead. She smiled slightly and seemed at peace. I sat back in the chair and slowly drifted off to sleep, still holding her hand.


Today (Y/N) finally gets released from the hospital. I was already sitting in the waiting room when Mara and the Fazbear crew walked in. They sat by me and we waited together. Finally, we saw (Y/N) walking down the hallway with a doctor. I smiled and stood up, walking to meet her. She smiled and hugged me tightly, burying her face in my chest. I hugedd back, not wanting to ever let go.

"I missed you, Rockstar," she whispered.

"I missed you too," I said. Mara had already signed all the necessary paper work and we all left as a group. Chica was bawling when she hugged (Y/N) and Freddy had to pull her off. Foxy ruffled (Y/N)'s hair and Gold hugged (Y/N). Mara hugged her and didn't let go for a while. Finally, we went to (Y/N)'s house. The others decided to leave and I stayed with her. We went up to her room and she smiled, looking around her room.

"I can't believe I haven't been here for 2 weeks. Man did I miss this place," she said. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"It's been a while. You know, I had nightmares too. I was a complete train wreck while you were in the hospital," I said, resting my chin on her head.

"I know. You looked terrible when you visited me that one night. I'm sorry you had to worry about me."

"Nonsense. I worry about you no matter what happens."

She smiled and turned to face me. I leaned down and kissed her gently.

"I missed your kisses..." she said.

"I missed yours," I said with a laugh. I smiled down at her. I moved a strand of hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. At this moment, I knew that none of those nightmares ever happened. Bon never existed. Vincent never took (Y/N). That mission never happened. I was glad. Then I remembered something.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" I asked.

"Hmm?" she replied, raising her eyebrows like I did in history class. I chuckled.

"Do you wanna go on a picnic with me?"


(A/N) Heyo Balloons. Wow, that was feels heavy. The reason: I was listening to Nightmare by Natewantstobattle. Amazing song and also kinda depressing but I like it. Anyway, this is the end of the book. I know... Sad to say... But all gokd things must come to an end right? Well, I might do an epilogue if you guys want and I'm still debating whether or not to make the prequel. The prequel will be like life with Vincent before he went insane. Let me know what you guys think.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for joining me on this journey through the first book and this one. I appreciate all the support and honestly, it was fun the entire way. I will continue making FNAF books so keep an eye out for those. Again, thank you. I wouldn't be where I am today and I absolutely love writing for you guys. It makes me smile to know you all enjoy my stories and I appreciate the positive feedback. Anyway, I have an idea for another book, not in this series. I won't say what it is however I am telling you to look out for an author's note. I'll let you know exactly what will happen in the A/N so look out.

Welp, I don't think I have anything else to say except another thank you. Thank you!

Catch you on the flipside,


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