NINE | [M] Wonderful Tonight

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Jennie applies a pinkish, shimmery eyeshadow to her lids carefully.

It's a Friday night 一 one of the very few rare ones that she has taken off; not because she particularly wanted to, but because Lisa told her to 一 and she's getting ready for a date with her girlfriend.

Lisa had slithered her way into Jennie's dressing room a few days ago, carrying a large bouquet of crimson red roses and the invitation to go on a date with her to the opera, of all places.

Jennie has never really been a fan of anything fancy like this (she considers the opera a very fancy place), but she knew that Lisa had an affinity for the classical art, so she had agreed to accompany her.

Besides, Jennie has never even been to the opera before. It might end up being a wonderful experience, and she might even end up building a liking towards it.

God knows that she has a lot of fancy events coming her way while dating the Snake Charmer.

Speaking of dating the Snake Charmer...

It has definitely been an experience 一 a luxurious and sensual one 一 so far. Never before in her life has Jennie felt so... loved.

Lisa definitely knows how to make her feel special, Jennie has realized.

She feels the latter's affections every single second of every single day. From extravagant dates and luxurious gifts, to cute little notes stuck to the vanity mirror of her dressing room and heated gazes directed at her from across the club.

Jennie knows how desired she is. She knows how loved she is, even if they have not shared the words with each other before.

Even if they remain locked in their hearts and only let out in the form of kisses 一 heated and passionate; sweet and slow like a summer's rain.

The three little words 一 often said too many times so that they inevitably lose their true meaning for others 一 come in the form of a question; disguised so much that only the two of them know and understand the meaning engraved beneath the words,

"Do you know?"

"I do; do you?"

"Oh, I do."

Jennie is happy. For the first time in her twenty-two years of life, she is loved in a way that makes her flush a deep shade of scarlet.

A shade similar to the club that she works in.

For the first time, she knows what unconditional love is 一 the kind that is romantic; the kind that does not require you to shout out the three words at the top of your lungs from a building simply because you already know that it is there. You already feel it there.

The kind of love that does not have to be worded.

Actions always speak much louder than words could ever do, and Lisa is most certainly a woman of action.

It is in the way that she treats Jennie 一 like a precious piece of art that cannot be duplicated no matter how talented you are or how hard you may try.

It is in the way that she looks at Jennie 一 like the cabaret is the singular, focal point of Lisa's entire existence; a bright supernova that never leaves her in the dark.

It is in the way that she speaks to Jennie 一 voice soft and wispy as a cloud; as if any tone of voice that is not dripping with affection, passion and devotion would break Jennie's bones; as if speaking to her differently is the highest form of crime that Lisa could ever commit.

It is in the way that she never allows Jennie even a single second to doubt her affections towards her. It is in the way Lisa pays attention 一 to every detail, even the most miniscule one 一 and makes sure to never do or say anything that would upset her; anything that would make her uncomfortable.

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