Fun Facts About Zoe

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- She is the Eighth Reincarnation of Percy Signora

- she can color shift her hair

- diagnosed with Mild Autism Spectrum

- gets falsely (by some Tenshins) accused because she is a reincarnation of Percy

- she was bullied and manipulated for 7 years
(I ain't joking)

- she uses two weapons:
• The Purple Viper (Ribbon Wand)
• The Hope Dagger

- she has a boyfriend named Isaac

- she has 4 powers
• Visions
• Energy Manipulation
• Psychometry
• Healing

- she accidentally summoned Percy Signora

- she is 16 years old
(Turning 16 this July 7!)

- she met Erik Signora's soul

- she is the only girl who gets in trouble in school

- she loves to do drama

- she is VERY loud when it comes to sports

- her favorite food is mostly cheesy foods

- she listens to music while she studies

- her title in the Tenshin Realm is
"The Vessel of Erik Signora"

- her favorite fandoms she visited are Hello Puppets, Storybots, and the Demon Slayer worlds

- her outfit has a secret meaning

- she curses whenever she's mad, only if it's necessary

- she can be VERY sentimental sometimes

- she is Demi-Bi (She/They)

- she lives in the Philippines with her friends and family

- her grandpa (Mother's side) is a chef

- she has one brother named David

- she SOMETIMES has anger issues

- her least favorite subject is "Filipino" because she has a difficulty on learning her language so she mostly speaks English
(She also sometimes cheats on it 💀)

- she LOVES to play in her guitar/ukulele

- she only reads books when she's lonely or when her phone is low battery

- she is the only energetic and goofy girl in her school, even though she suffers depression

- her sin with Percy was supposedly was Fraud

- she is one of the first modern Overcomers to use "Eternal Rage"

- Zoe ; Angela means
• God kind of life
• Goddess of Life
• Eternal Life
• Messenger of God

- she tends to be forgetful due to her condition

- she doesn't like revealing clothes

- she likes to come up puns or jokes sometimes

Okeeeee I hope you liked it TvT

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