♪ 🩰🦢 ♪

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Spinning and spinning, the archer forever spun in the music box, sitting upon the nightstand of Fire Spirits bedroom. This music box was what the archer got stuck in.. day by day slowly turning into a darker form of himself. How did he end up the music box? Pomegranate cookie had used a spell on him that trapped him in a music box. She of course, brought the music box to Dark Enchantress, and she disguised herself in a cloak, giving the music box to Fire Spirit, the curse binding the music box to him.. however he was unaware of this. Fire Spirit would spend hours listening to the music box and it's beautiful melody it produced... watching the dancing of the figure that was Zephyr..

Mesmerized by it's beauty and it's graceful dancing, he became obsessed with the music box. Unable to hear it's whispers telling him to rid himself of the music box.. begs that he would destroy the box and free his spirit. His cries and pleas were masked by the ticking and music of the music box.

Half way through it, the flame noticed a change in the music box's beauty, and it's melody.. the figure inside of it slowly beginning to lose its glow, it's feathers turning purple.. becoming less vibrant and more.. dark.

This confused the flame, it's melody growing much more.. sad and eerie.. but.. it still held it's beautiful tune and mesmerizing melody, which made him begin to fall into a trance. His eyes had a magenta glow every time he looked at the music box, unable to look away. It wasn't until he felt his dough beginning to grow cold when he snapped out of this trance, closing his eyes and picking up the music box... what was causing this, he wondered, slowly opening his eyes to look at the music box, the magenta glow coming from them once more. He quickly tossed the music box to the bed, staring at the ground and regaining his consciousness. He didn't want to destroy the music box... but the whispers began to become more audible. "Save yourself" and "Get rid of me"

but one stood out. "Destroy the music box and free my spirit"

He didn't want to do it. But put earbuds in and put the music box in a bag, grabbing a baseball bat off a shelf in his room. He walked outside, setting the music box down, and getting ready to destroy the dreaded music box.. his hands shaky.

Now, whispers of a darker voice repeated in his head. "Give into it." "Don't destroy the music box." "listen to it.."

He dropped the bat, falling to his knees. staring at the music box. The dancer, or Zephyr.. was darker now, A variety of dark purples.. with a forehead gem that glowed a magenta hue. He realized he recognized the dancer from the forehead gem, and knew who this was, his eyes widening.


he knew now what he had to do. The whispers from previously were the archer begging him to destroy the music box. To free him. People would call him crazy if he told anyone that the one trapped in the music box was Wind Archer.

''I'll free you.'' was all the flame said, before getting up, with the bat in hand, and as much as he hated doing this, he gripped the bat, beginning to bash the music box. It's melody beginning to falter into silence. He stared at the now destroyed music box, picking up the tiny dancer, which slowly faded out of existence in the palm of his hand.. and a smile came to his face. He could almost feel the soft breeze brought to him by the archer, a "thank you" being spoken through the wind.

He looked up at the sky, sunshine beaming down on him. A soft melody playing in the sky for only him to hear, as he took the ear plugs out, tossing them into a pit of lava.

From this day forward, he'd still hear the melody that only he could hear, and he felt the presence of the spirit of the other. And it made him smile.



yes I almost cried in class writing this

yes I wrote this in class.


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