» The phobia «

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WARNING! this contains descriptions of vomiting and the experiences of someone with emetophobia. This is me projecting myself onto a character to comfort myself.



Ash tossed and turned in the bed he shared with raven, who was peacefully sleeping for once... Ash holding his stomach. It ached, it felt like a bubbling grasp on his stomach.

They got worse, his throat beginning to get clenched and his mouth beginning to water. He felt nauseous, very nauseous. Pushing himself up out of the bed, his weakened body stumbled, tears pricking his eyes. He didn't like this feeling. He knew what was coming.

The one thing he feared was coming and he couldn't even move himself to get to a place to rest and relieve himself, gagging as he pushed himself away from the bed, limping past it on his way to the bathroom.

It felt like he was running along a hallway that never ended, in spite of how short it actually was. It got worse and worse until eventually he covered his mouth, trying but the burning sensation got to him, and he leaned over, emptying himself onto the floor shamefully, coughing until the feeling went away.

It felt like a relief, but at the same time he saw himself staring at the puddle beneath him, tears pricking his eyes as he stumbled back, collapsing to the ground away from the puddle, shakily wiping his mouth.

His instincts told him to cry out to someone who could help him, his voice cracking. "R-Rav-Raven! Raven.. p-please wake up I'm sorry- I'm sorry I- I-" he couldn't even finish talking before breaking into a sob.

Raven shifted in the bed, his body slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes, his nose scrunching at the smell in the room. "...Ash.. what is it.." his eyes adjusted and his vision slowly recovered, noticing ash on the floor and the puddle in front of him.

Slowly his gaze softened, and he slid out of the bed.

"I-I'm sorry I couldn't.. get to the bathroom.. on time.. I'm sorry... it's such a mess I-"

Raven carefully lifted him up, facing him with his back to the puddle, running his hands through Ash's hair. "Shh.. don't look at it.. it's okay.. I'll clean it up.." Cooed Raven, gently kissing his face.

"I-I.. hhh... I still...don't feel good.." Ash whimpered, still nauseous. Raven stepped over the puddle, burying Ash's face in his shoulder while stepping over so he wouldn't look at it, carrying him to the bathroom and setting him down in front of the toilet.

"Stay here and let out anything you have to.. I'll go clean it up and get you some water..." Hummed Raven, grabbing some cleaning supplies and leaving to the site of the emptying.

While Raven cleaned, Ash sat there trembling in the bathroom, his cold body shaking as he stared at the toilet, his lip quivering and the taste he hated still lingering on his lips. He slid closer to the bowl, lifting himself up to cough out more of the dreadful substance he feared so much.

He whimpered and gurgled, sobbing as he had to go through the pitiful process. Raven soon came back, waiting patiently for him to finish before taking a few pieces of toilet paper and wiping Ash's mouth off, giving him a bottle of water.

"take some of the water into your mouth and swish it around, then spit it into the toilet...I have some different things to try and some medicine..." He said softly, looking into ashes eyes and gently petting his hair, knowing it comforted the sulking one.

Ash finally finished up his moment and sank into ravens welcoming arms, Raven carefully lifting him and carrying him to the kitchen to get some food in him. He also carried a thermometer and a notepad used to note down the usual temperature of Ash so he could compare the already cold temperature to a feverish temperature.

He checked his temperature, sighing. "Your temperature is fine, I think you let your anxiety get to you.. again..." Raven said sadly, gently cupping his cheek.

"I.. I probably did.. I'm s-"

"You don't need to keep saying sorry.. I get it, you have a phobia and it's okay.. you'll be okay..." Cooed Raven, gently kissing his forehead.

Ash carefully began to eat some apple slices provided to him by raven, nibbling carefully on each slice.

"Thank you..." Said Ash quietly, receiving a nod that spoke for Raven. Raven carried him over to the couch, cradling him with a bucket sitting next to them.

"If you need to.. y'know.. again, just do it in the bucket okay..?"

Ash nodded, relaxing his body as he carefully ate.

Once he finished eating, he felt his body easing into slumber that he very much needed, comforted by raven.

Raven looked down at him, smiling and holding him close, comforting and watching him in his sleep to make sure he rested well..


hello! I hope whoever reads this knows that if you have a phobia, it's okay, it's normal. I am slowly trying to recover from recent emetophobia nightmares and nausea episodes, speaking of I'm having one now, and my phobia of vomiting is keeping me from sleeping.. I am afraid of it and it know it'll come eventually...

Just know we all understand each other best we can with the problems we have.

Love you all /p 💕

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