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My name is Akio Aki and I'm a second year in Shimokitawaza High School. I enjoy photography, writing stories and being by myself. Right now, I'm laying on my bed, thinkking wether or not to go to school today. I'm just too lazy to walk there.

*Ring ring ring*

I heard my phone ringing. Picking it up, I see it's no other than my only friend, Nijika Ichiji. She probably wants to wake me up even though I'm already awake. With a sigh, I pick up the phone call.

"Wake up, Akio. I'm already waiting outside" she said sounding impatient. Wait, how long has she been waiting? I look at the clock in my room, and sure enough, I am late.

"Shit" I said as I get out of my bed and hurriedly prepare to go to school. As I open the door, I see Nijika with an angry look on her face. I offers her an awkward smile "morning?"

"We're gonna be late because of you, so we need to run. Don't be too slow" she says as she starts running to the school. I catch up to her."You should've went to school earlier if you're worried about being late, don't wait for me everyday" I said to her.

"And then you're just going to skip school" she said.

'Damn she found me out' I thought with an annoyed face.

After a few minutes of running, we're finally in front of the school gate. I released a sigh of relief after running too much. Yeah, I'm not that athletic. Nijika ain't even sweating. How is she so energetic is still a mystery to me.

*Huff huff* "We barely made it, sorry for being late... Again." I apologize to her.

"Well I expected nothing more from you, let's get to class now" she says as she starts to leave.

"Heh, yeah... Wait what do you mean by that?" I ask as I hurried over to her. To which she just chuckels.

School went by like normal. I sleep during class, answered a few questions the teacher gave me and just stares at nothing for the rest of the day. It would've been good if Nijika was in the same class as I am.

As I'm about to leave school, I remembered that Nijika's band will be performing at her sister's livehouse today. In all honesty, I just want to go home and play some video games, but since she is my only friend, I can't risk losing her just because I can't go to her concert. So I decide to go see her band's performance.

I made it in time for her band to perform. They look nerv- is that a box playing guitar?

To be continued


Aight so this is my first story and english is not my first language, so expect some grammar error.

Y'all can judge this story as long as you're not rude about it, I'll try my best to make aure the next chapter is better based of y'all complaints. That's it, peace!

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