451 19 3

After their performance ended, I was headed to go home. They were pretty nervous but it was their first live performance so I can't exactly blame them. The person in the box was funny though. What are they, some sort of comic relief character? Pulling out my camera, I took some really nice photo of the band.

Before I got to get out, I feel a hand grabbing my shoulder. Eh? What is this? Did someone mistook me of taking their picture without consent? Is it a scammer? Oh no, what have I done.. That's it, I will just run away after swiftly taking off the hand on my shoulder!

It seems like my plan failed as the person just grabbed my other shoulder. Fuck. I'll be getting violent now.

As I turn around, ready to beat the shit of whoever this is, I realised it's none other than the manager of this livehouse itself, Seika Ijichi, Nijika's older sister.

"You were about to punch me didn't you?" She asks with a straight face.

"No?" I replied, sounding like a question. Fuck I hate myself.

*Sigh* "Nijika told me to get you to the rehearsal room. She wants you to meet the bandmates" Seika said casually.

"What do you mean meeting them? I have homework to do" I try to avoid socialising.

"You and I both know you will never do your homeworks" SEIKA USES FULL COUNTER! Shit I can't argue with that.

"I got uhh... Character development" I still try to argue.

"Yeah right, just go. I don't want to answer why I don't get you to her or whatever" she pushes me in front of the rehearsal room.

*Sigh* seems like I have no choice. I knock at the door. A few seconds later the door opens. I expected Nijika to open the door since she was the one calling me but to my surprise it was the blue haired girl. If I remembered she was the one playing bass. Well this isn't awkward at all.

"Hey" I tried to start a conversation.

She however just stares at me like I did something illegal. Oioi let me in, please. You're making me feel awkward here.

"Oh you're Akio" she suddenly says. Wait, she knows me? I doubt Nijika would tell anyone about me. She knows I'm not good with people. Did she meet me somewhere before? I'm so confused right now.

"Uhh... Do I know you?" I ask her awkwardly.

"Ehhh... I sit right behind you in class" she stated that calmly. Oh. She's behind me in class. Well if only I was observant enough to know. She's probably disappointed right now that someone sitting in front of her everyday doesn't even recognize her. I'm sorry, blue haired bass player.

"Uhhh... I was spacing out everyday in class" I tried to explain. That doesn't sound pathetic at all.

"Since you don't even recognize me I won't let you in" she says with a stoic face. That's good, I wanna go home anyways.

But before she got the chance to close the door, someone else already hold it in place. That person was none other than my only friend, Nijika.

"You were calling?" I ask with curiosity (not).

"Yes, and stop with that sarcastic face, come in here" she basically drags me inside before I have a chance to say anything back to her.

Finally being inside, I got to see every members of the band. Nijika, the blue haired girl who is apparently sitting behind me in class, and a pink haired girl that looks like she's about to die from anxiety. I assume the pink haired girl was the box player since I didn't see her during the performance.

I whispers to Nijika "So why do you call me here? You know how much I hate socialising with people" to which she just replies with

"We need a vocalist"

Oh I see, so that's why she call- wait what? I look at her with a shocked face.

"I just told you I hate socialising, singing in front of a crowd is out of question! I'm not even good at singing!" I explains to her.

"Oh nonono, you're not singing, you're just helping us finding the vocalist. This would help our band be complete and help you socialize more" she explains back to me.

Did she not heard what I said or is she just ignoring the fact that I don't do social things. I give her a disappointed look and sigh."I just told you I don't want to socialize"

"You'll need to in the future, so I'm helping you by giving you this task" she explains and then continues "your first step is to meet my bandmates"

And so I take a deep sigh and introduce myself "Hey uhh... So my name is... Uhh... Akio Aki, I love photography and uhh... I'm a pretty normal guy overall" it's always a hassle to introduce myself to other people.

The blue haired girl was the first one to introduce herself. "I'm the most talented in this band, Ryo Yamada. I sit behind you in class and all but you somehow never look at this beautiful face" talk about confidence. I need some of hers. I then look at the pink haired girl to see her lagging... Kind of. Is she alright? Did I scare her with my kinda gloomy vibe? Or is she just like me? An introvert but worse? I hope it's the latter.

"Hey uhh, you don't need to force yours-" I was cut off when she suddenly introduce herself with a loud voice.


"Whoa that's the loudest of her I've heard so far. But anyways, both of you will be searching for our main vocalists. This is to help both of you with your social skills. And Bocchi-chan, don't forget about tomorrow, you'll be working here" Nijika says to both of us. Jeez what is she, a mom? And this girl, working at a place like this with social anxiety? Damn I'm impressed. I guess this development is kind of interesting? I wish nothing change too much in my life.

"Yeah yeah I'll help you find your vocalist, but never put me in society ever again after this" I said to Nijika. What was that phrase? Am I in kindergarten?

"No promises!" She says and proceeds to smile bright, too bright I might be blind after this.

To be continued


Yeah uhh, this chapter is kinda shitty if you ask me. I would like to have a slower pacing at firt few chapters to build the relationship between characters so yeah.

And I forgot to tell that I'm in college now, so expect a veri inconsistent update schedule. Goodbye!

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