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"Why do people look so weird?" Chuuya was laying on Dazai's bed, his back pressed against the comforter as he stared blankly at the ceiling. "How does someone live with their kids lookin like that? Like those long skinny necks or blocky heads. I'm so thankful Yokohama didn't have mutations." Dazai was laying on the bed beside Chuuya, his back facing the roof as he watched the sun set outside his window. Chuuya snorted at his comment, his eyes fluttering closed. "Imagine the weirdos we are gonna have in class," he added, watching as the sun fell below the windows view. "But not as weird as you," at that Chuuya snapped his eyes open, turning onto his side and jabbing Dazai with his elbow. "Your so annoying you waste of bandages," Dazai turned on his side as well, sticking his tongue out at Chuuya in a playful manner. The hothead gripped onto Dazai's arm, turning him onto his back and positioning himself on top of him. "You are so annoying, you know that?" Dazai smirked and twisted his body sideways, causing Chuuya to loose his balance and fall onto the floor. "I know!" He replied with a smug grin on his face. The bedroom door opened, grabbing the twos attention. "Boys, your letters have arrived!" Emily cheered, making the mafia members quickly sit up.

"Come open them up," the two teens quickly rushed into the living room, seeing their 'foster mom' hold two letters in her hand. Gloved fingers quickly snatched the letters from her hand, walking over to Dazai who was already relaxing on the couch. Chuuya set up the holographic letters on the coffee table and pressed on them, comfortably settling into the couch afterwards. "Dear Osamu Dazai/Chuuya Nakahara," they both started, two holograms of All Might appearing in front of them. "We would like to inform you..." it paused, making Chuuya grit his teeth in irritation. "That you have been excepted into UA High!" Dazai leaned back into the couch, closing his eyes as he relaxed. "Flying colors for the written exam and 200 points for the physical! You tied with another student." Chuuya groaned, jabbing at Dazai's side. The holograph closed, All Mights body becoming disoriented and disfigured before disappearing all together. "Just as i expected," Dazai said calmly, his arms resting behind his head. "Of course you expected it," he groaned, slumping into the couch. Before Dazai could tease the boy any further, his phone rang, pulling both of the boys attention towards it. He sighed, pushing his body upwards and pulling out the phone. The flip phone opened, a hologram of Mori appearing from above the screen. "Boys," the two straightened up, their expressions becoming serious. "I have a mission for you two to take care of. A friend of mine took a vacation, would you be so kind and visit them?" It wasn't a question, it was an order. One both of them understood clearly. Find the traitor and kill him.

1 week later (sorry I just don't really know what to do for the beginning parts of this story. I don't want to rush the story but I want to get into the UA high portion)

"That last mission was kinda fun aye?" Dazai teased, his arm wrapped around Chuuya's shoulders. "Ugh shove off asshole!" He yelled, not bothering to unwrap his arms though. "Aww come on! You were so cute as a girl! Don't deny that you liked it Chibi," Chuuya pushed him off this time, aiming a kick towards his head. Dazai evades his kick and pouts, wrapping his arms back around Chuuya's shoulders. He placed his head on the others shoulder, the shorter of the two crossing his arms. "You're so mean Chibi! Our first day of school and you're already a bully!" Chuuya groaned, dragging his and Dazai's bodies towards the school. The two walked in silence afterwards, heading towards the classroom.

Chuuya opened the classroom door, dragging Dazai to his seat and sitting down at the one beside him. A woman with pink hair and skin bounced towards them, her yellow eyes blinking brightly at them as she invaded their personal space. "Hi! I'm Mina Ashido! Your Chuuya Nakahara and Osamu Dazai right?" She asked, her face inching closer and closer to Chuuya's. "Yes I am?" He said warily, not understanding how this girl knew his name. "You two got the highest scores! You tied with each other which has never happened before!" Chuuya groaned, slamming his head on the desk while Dazai laughed. "Chibi we set a new record!" He teased, a glare from his partner coming at him seconds after. "Call me Chibi again and I'll let you live a long LONG life," he threatened. "Is that supposed to be bad?" Chuuya turned his head towards Mina, who had her head cocked in confusion. "Not for us but for him it's a nightmare," she nodded her head slowly, confused by the whole ordeal. Before Chuuya could ask why she was over here a teen with nerdy glasses and blue hair strolled over, his face flushed. "I wanted to thank you for saving me, Nakahara-san." he spoke formally, bowing towards Chuuya.

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