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           The portal opened and Chuuya hopped out, Dazai skipping out with his signature smile. "It seems like only the two of us were teleported here," Dazai said happily as he sat down on a rock behind them, his legs crossing. "I didn't take into account that a newly formed villain organization would be this ballsy," Chuuya commented as he crossed his arms. "That's because you don't know how to use that brain of yours, Chuuya~!" He teased in a singsong voice, evading the kick sent his way. "Shut the hell up, you bastard!" He yelled in annoyance.

"Look what we have here," the duo turned to face three normal-looking humans, normal to them at least. The one in the middle froze in shock, his body going rigid. "C-Chuuya Nakahara?!" He yelled in horror, shrinking back at the gaze sent his way. The two other 'villains' froze in their place, eyes wide as they stared at the ginger. "That means..." one muttered as they eyed Dazai. "Double black.." immediately the three got on their knees, kneeling in respect. "Please forgive us! If we knew that you'd be here we wouldn't have agreed to come!" The middle one, the leader most likely, shouted.

"Why are you here?" Dazai asked, interested, his gaze piercing through their soul. One wrong sentence and Chuuya would kill them in a second, all three of them knew it. "Well...we were out visiting Japan and got a request for our help...it didn't seem like a big deal so we agreed.." Chuuya crossed his arms, with a scoff as Dazai smirked. "Oh? Didn't seem like a big deal...hm, last I recall, fighting a fight like this is a big deal." The leader of the three shrunk even further in nervousness, a red glow forcing them to stay kneeling. "You'll ruin our operation if they catch an ability user." Dazai continued with a glare, making the three sweat bullets.

"Please sir, that wasn't our intention..." the enemy begged, staring up at the two with pleading eyes. "We won't tell a soul. We promise! Please just let us go!" Chuuya smirked at their begs and pleads, turning to his partner who nodded. "Answer some questions first," Dazai spoke with a smirk, making the two shiver from where they kneeled. "Whatever it is! We'll answer honestly!" Dazai nodded, sighing slightly. "How boring, I was hoping I'd get to torture you at least a little bit," he whined, making Chuuya smirk. "You can still torture them, it just won't be as fun." Dazai sighed, looking down at them.

"Tell us how many more Yokohama citizens there are that are partaking in this fight and your names, or I let my dog have some fun." Chuuya rolled his eyes at the nickname, biting back his irritation as the three nodded immediately. "We're the only ones!" Dazai raised his brow, uncrossing his legs as he leaned forward. "So it's simply coincidental that you were paired with us? Is that what you're saying?" He asked in a mocking tone, making the three shrink back. They felt their whole beings exposed to the demon prodigy. "Yes! We swear! It was only us!" Dazai stared at them for a moment before sighing and leaning back.

"How boring, they're telling the truth." Chuuya hummed, putting more pressure on the three bodies. "And your names?" The three could practically feel their insides being squished by gravity and they quickly gave in to their demands. "My name is Yami Tokigany and these are Jaxx and Minx Sukihara! Please let us go! We won't tell anyone!" Chuuya glanced at his partner who sighed with a pout. The ginger turned his attention back to the three. "Fine, we agree. Leave this vicinity immediately, or stay and find out what it means to be crushed by gravity." Chuuya said with a smirk, his arms crossed as the three shook in horror.

"We swear!!" The red glow around them faded and the three quickly ran away, escaping before the two changed their mind. "Contact Mori, he'll have them dead once they return." Chuuya nodded, pulling out his flip phone, and a holograph appeared of the boss. "How are my two favorite subordinates?" Mori cooed as Dazai made a fake vomit sound. "Gross! Go ahead and kill yourself!" Chuuya rolled his eyes as Mori placed a hand on his chest. "How you wound me!" Chuuya rolled his eyes again, seriously tired of his boss's and partner's antics.

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