Chapter 1

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Freya had been at university for just over a month, but had no luck in finding people that would agree to be friends with her. Her boyfriend had left her just before she left for university, so she was too clouded by sadness to want to be social with anyone. She decided that to take her mind off her boyfriend, she would go to the university library to finish some work that she was struggling with.

She was walking between the aisles to find the book that she was looking for when she saw him from across the room. His pale skin and black hair was what she noticed first, and then his eyes, so mesmerisingly blue. He looked straight at her, and the two made eye contact, but her eyes shifted from his gaze because she felt very awkward that he had just caught her staring at him.
She looked back up in his direction, but he had gone.
"Fuck" she sighed, "my one chance to make a friend, and I blew it!"
"Or did you?" A voice said soothingly from behind her, his voice was smooth and relaxing to hear.
"Jesus Christ! You scared the life out of me!" She said, just catching her breath. She spun around to see him standing there, just in front of her. His pale blue eyes staring into her's.
"I'm so sorry, but may I say that you have beautiful eyes"
Just the idea of someone as attractive as him giving her a compliment was enough to make her blush. She tried to reply, but instead choked on her own breath.
"Ehehe, darling, I'm sorry if I caught you off guard, but I couldn't help myself, I just had to see you."
"Haha, no, it's fine, I've just never been paid such a lovely compliment"
She said, staring at her feet, blushing.
He rested his fingers on her jaw, she noticed that his touch was as cold as ice, he tilted her head upwards to face him.
"Please, don't look away, you're too beautiful to be hidden away like that." He said while smiling at her.
"I'm Loki"
"Ahh so a name to the face! I'm Freya"
"Freya. Darling, that's such a beautiful name, it suits you" his gaze never left her face.
"Oh behave! You're making me..." she was cut off by Loki pulling her face to his and kissing her, passionately, taking her breath away. His lips were even colder than his hands.
"I'm sorry, I needed to. I know we've just met, but I feel something between us, something beautiful and strong."
Freya couldn't find the words to be able to begin to describe how she was feeling.
"I'll see you very soon, I know it" he then grabbed her face and kissed her again. just as she opened her eyes, he had left.
She put her hands in her pocket and felt a slip of paper. She pulled it out and read it to herself. It read:
"Meet me in front of the library at 7, wear something special.

"Did this just happen?" She thought to herself.

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