HermitCraft Incorrect Quotes #2

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take this so i can cry in pain


Doc: Well, aren't you sugar and spice and everything nice.

Grian: Well, aren't you rudeness and sarcasm and... Uh-...

Doc: No, go on. If you find something that rhymes with "sarcasm" and makes sence, I'll admit we're friends.

Grian: Well, aren't you rudeness and sarcasm, making my heart spasm.

-Grian was hugging Doc from behind while he talked to x-

Doc: So yeah, that's how we became friends.

Xisuma: I- Wha-?


Scar: Hey, G. If I die, I want you to take care of Jellie for me.

Grian: It's cute how you think death is getting you out of this friendship.

Mumbo: Can we go back to when he said "IF I die"-!?


Joe: Is that Vodka?

Cleo: Yeah?

Joe: Straight

Cleo: No, bi



Impulse: Zed, are you high-??

Zedaph: Am I what?

Impulse: High

Zedaph: Hello!

-Tango and Impulse start laughing, leaving Zed confused-


Tango: Do you think I can fit 10 marshmallows in my mouth at the same time?

Impulse: You're a hazard to society

Zedaph: And a coward, do 20.

-Tango's face lights up, and Impulse is wondering what is wrong with his friends-


Xisuma: Team ZIT share one braincell. Thankfully it's usually Impulse who has it.

- Impulse peeks around the corner looking at X and Scar-

Impulse: We have a code purple

Xisuma: Oh no, again!?

Scar: What does code purple mean-?

X&Imp: Zed has the braincell.


Grian: I'm currently running on a week of no sleep, 6 unfished projects, 4 cups of coffee-.. 

Grian: -and a hug from Scar.

Grian: I'm ready to fight God- -OR BECOME HIM!


Jimmy: -scream-

Grian: -screams louder to assert dominance-

Pearl: Should we do something-?

Martyn: No, I want to see who wins.


(*Just told the EVO members about Highschool*)

EVO members: . . ..  You two need therapy

EVO!Taurtis: Sounds expensive.

EVO!Grian: Sounds cringe.

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