Author's Note(With Acutal Good News)

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Hello my beautiful readers! I actually have good news to report to you. I am now officially a rising junior in high school! Well I mean that's not the good news because ew, school. But the good news is that I'm on summer break. You know what that means? UPDATES! That's right my dears I said updates! I already have a few of Mermaid's chapters planned out. Now all I have to do is write them and bam, I'll put them out into the world you for. Thanks for hanging in there guys. Chapter 6 will be coming sooner than you think. :) I love you all so much for your patience, understanding, and devotion. You guys are the best. Well that's it for me for now. I promise the next update of Mermaid will actually be a chapter instead of Author's Notes. Love you guys.

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