My home?!?

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2nd  PoV

Percy was carrting your body out of the weapons shed, everyone gasped. "No!" Will yelled, sad that he just got his cousin back and now she's dead. "No..." WIll said, still not believing that she died. Then all of a sudden Dionysus laughed. "You guys really dont know her do you?" Dionysus said. "How dare you!" Will said, angry because someone was disrespecting his dead cousin. He started to glow an angry gold.

"PFFFT-HAHAHHAHHAHAHHHAHA" You laughed at Will because of his protectiveness. "You should've seen your face!" You yelled. Will then ran over to you punching you  then hugging you. Then Nico also ran over to you yelling too, trying to hide the tears he had in his eyes. Just then one of the athena campers came over with news. "Guys!!! Did you hear that thing that happened in that neighborhood by the Manhatten bridge?!?!" The camper said.

"Wait what neighborhood?" You asked, concerned about your family and neighbors since you lived kinda close to that bridge. "That one that's walking distance from the James J Walker Park, why?" the same camper replied and then asked you. "What?!?!?" You yelled very loudly. Then Will turned pale. "Wait, that's where you live right?" Will asked you, scared for your family. "It is..." you responded to him. Luckily no one except Nico heard what you guys were saying and he gasped.

Your POV

'My family!'  I thought to myself, worried about them. "What happened to the neighborhood?" I asked worriedly, hoping that no one would notice it. Lucky for me no one except Nico and Will seemed to notice it, they didn't say anything about it to anyone else though. "Apparently a gang thought it was funny to 'blow up' the entire neighborhood." The other camper says. *Gasp*I gasped. "Notice how I put air quotes when I was saying that basically what happened was the gang put and illusion of it blowing up, and when they thought that it wasn't funny anymore they tookthe illusion off, but by that time the fire people had already called the fire fighters because they apparently put the illusion on  the inside of the building too." The other camper said. *Relieved sigh*. I sighed happily because my family wasn't in any danger. Will let out a relieved breath. 'Thank goodness'  I thought to myself.

" Thank goodness!" Will yelled. "I know right?" I said to Will. "Right." Nico said. I looked at him because I'm pretty sure that I've never met him before. "I'm so happy that they are ok." I said, I was no longer worried about my family. "But that's not what really happened." the other camper said. I got worried again. "One of our campers was there and they saw the whole thing. What they saw was that someone lit the building on fire,'' I gasped.

"and then it was like time reversed and everything went back to norma—" just then everyone gasped and looked at me. "What happened guys– why are they all looking at me like that?" I asked Will. "Look up!" he said to me. I then looked up. "Hail Y/n L/n, daughter of Zeus, grand-daudaughter of goddess Nyx, blessed by Aphrodite, Hera, Artimes, Apollo, Nyx, Oizys, and Hades!" Chiron announced. Just then another sign showed above my head. Chiron gasped. "Also blessed by Titan king Kronos!" Everyone gasped, so did I, I had heard about what happened to New York because of Kronos because Will told me.

' Oh no! ' I thought. 'Now everyon's going to hate me and think that I am a traitor!'  I thought. Then Will hugged me, and Nico joined in too. "Remember never feel like you aren't good enough." Will told me. Everyone, including Will and I, were wondering why Nico was also in the hug because I don't think that we've ever met before. Then Nico spoke up. "I know that my actions aren't very like me and thaat you're probably very weirded out by how I'm acting, and I know that this might sound weird but, I know you. You probably don't remember me though." Nico said. "Wow, Nico, that's the most I've ever heard you talk to anyone that isn't me." Will said, making Nico get flustered.

"Nico you're right I don't think that I remember you, could you maybe tell me something to help me remember?" I asked him. "Yeah, sure. So umm, you were with your father and you were walking into the Lotus Casino, your father refused to have any of the lotus fruits so you guys got out of there really fast but in the little time that you guys were there you, Y/n, had made friends with me, I hadn't forgotten you in all the years that had passed." Nico explained, telling me about when we met. 'I knew this kid looked familiar!' I thought, finally recognising him.

"I'm so sorry Nico I don't know how I could've forgotten were literally so fun, and you made the best jokes, I knew you werent joking about the time that you were born though, something about you just seemed like you were from the 1930's. It did seem like your sister, Bianca,  didn't really like me though, how is she?" I asked him, genuinely.

3rd Pov

Nico then got kinda sad he didn't blame you though because you didn't know about what happened to her so he responded. "Well, umm Bianca passed away a while ago..." Y/n gasped, "Oh my gods, Nico I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked!" She practically yelled at him because she wanted him to know how sorry she was. "It's ok, you didn't know about it because I doubt that Will told you." Nico said to Y/n.

Meanwhile everyone else was confused because one Nico didn't get all defensive like he did wih the new campers, or the campers that didn't know what happened yet, and two, Y/n is blessed by Kronos?!?!?! She could be a traitor to everyone there, she could be working against them, but then again if she was Nico would be able to tell, because of their enemies being mostly dead monsters, emphasis on dead.

Back to Will, Nico, and Y/n's conversation, "So, have you guys ever had any joint dreams?" Y/n asked, still confused about the fact that we all shared a dream. "Yes, but with other half-bloods, not us, and that was when a great prophecy was involved." Will responded to her question. "Yeah we haven't had any big prophecies yet which is very good.

Just then Rachel came over and yelled at Chiron to get her Stool and so he did. Just as Rachel sat down the spirit of Delphi came out and spoke, "Three with the shared dream will travel to another world far away, into the past and save the lives of many, many lives, trying to save themselves too."  Then Rachel fell over.

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