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Previously on  "When time fies".

Just then Rachel came over and yelled at Chiron to get her Stool and so he did. Just as Rachel sat down the spirit of Delphi came out and spoke, " Three with the shared dream will travel to another world far away, into the past and save the lives of many, many people, hoping to save themselves too."  Then Rachel fell over.


Your POV

        Will looked at me and Nico, worried because that's basically what just happened to us three, except that we all were in a world that was fictional and not real or so we thought. Then I remembered that dream that we all had and realized that that world was real we just didn't know until now.  'Wow!'  I thought, realizing that my favorite anime is really just a different world, like the multiverse. Then I realized that Rachel, the oracle, just had a prophecy about us.

"Shrapnel!" I cursed. Everuone except for those who understood, Dio, Will, and Nico, looked at me like "what the heck?". Then Will explained to them," That's how she curses sometimes," I started mumbling, "What are you even saying?" Percy asked. "I hate my life!!!!!" I yelled out."Don't we all?" some random camper said.  "That prophecy is about us Will!" I whisper-yelled to Will, I was addressing both Nico and Will but I only said Will. "I know it's a pain!" Nico said. 'Dang he sounds a little bit too much like shikamaru.'  I thought.

Then Rachel got up and said more only this time not as Delphi but as Rachel, "So it looked like it was about Will, Nico and one other person," then she looked at me and gasped, "*gasp* She's the other person in the vision!" She exclaimed pointing towards me. I sigh and say, "I already knew that." They all looked at me like, how did she know. Then Annabeth spoke up, "Ohhhhhhhh! You guys all shared the 'dream' that the prophecy was talking about, right?" She looked at me. I nodded.

"You're so smart Annabeth." Percy but into the conversation.  Then Dio looked at me, "Are you sure that you want to take this mission?"  'Does he not understand me?' I thought, 'I'm literally just rying to understand myself. That was a silly question.'  I thought,  deadpanning. Just then Nico screamed. "AHHHHH!!!!!" I got spooked and turned so fast I think I got whiplash. "What happened?" Will asked, concerned for his boyfriend.

"I am NOT going to be a part of this mission!" he yelled. "Why not?!" I yelled back. "Because I might faint from how awesome the people that are going to be there are..." Nico mumbled but I heard. "I agree buddy but that's no excuse. We ARE going on this quest, period." I said with a burning passion. Yes, I know where this mission is going to take place." I'm going to have to open a portal to that universe though, right?" I whispered to my quest partners.

"You can do that?" Will asked. "Well, duh!" I responded sassily. 'What would happen if I told Will about where we were going? I'm pretty sure that Nico knows where we're going...' I said to myself wondering if Will was also a weeb like Nico and I. "Hey Will, do you know what universe that we're going to?" I asked him with bright eyes. "Yes, do you?" He asked back. "Obviously I do." I replied sassily.

"So Will, what universe do you think that we're going to?!" I asked very enthusiastically. "Umm..." he trailed off, "what's that one anime that you never shut up about?" He asked Nico. Nico and I gasped, offended. "IT'S CALLED NARUTO!!!" Nico and I yelled at him. "Ahhh," he started, "so you guys do know where we're going." Will said, slyly. "W-w-well duh!" I stuttered. 'Dang my stuttering!' I cursed, yelling internally. Embarrased I decided that it woud be better for me to just shut up. "I guess that we should get started on packing and training for our quest!" Will smugly said, he knew where we were going but didn't freel the need to say anything.

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