Season 1 - Episode 1 - The Beginning

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There was Savey, going back to his house after a Interview...

'I really hope i can get that voice actor job'

Savey then entered inside his house, and turned on his PC, ready to play with his friends.

-In the call-

wSnowx: "Sooo Savey, how was the interview?"

Savey: "It was good, but i don't know if i can enter in that job.."

Felpz: "Oh don't worry about that dude lmao, i'm sure they would NEVER let you enter in that job!- Just kidding, I'm sure they will accept you on that job dude."

Savey: "Yeah i hope so" Savey looked down for a bit, but quickly looks back at his monitor

Vinix: "Don't worry, let's just play some.. fortnite?"

Felpz: "What the fuck Vinix? We just played that for hours and stopped minutes ago!"

Vinix: "yeah but Savey is here now! Now we can make a squad arena!"

wSnowx: "uhh Vinix..? In this season.. doesn't exist squad arena"

Vinix: "oh it doesn't..?"

Felpz: "Omg Vinix!!"

Vinix: "Damn I-I'm sorry ok!"

Savey: "Guys, let's just play a horror game! Like, fnaf doom, let's invite everyone on the server!"

Felpz and wSnowx: "Yes!"

Vinix: "no!! C'mon Savey, at night? How about we play that tomorrow? At d-day.." Felpz and wSnowx laughs a bit at Vinix's response

Felpz: "Don't tell me you're scared."

Vinix: "w-what no! I'm not scared.. it's just.. it's just that i don't like playing fnaf doom at night.. ya know? Like just play at day, just like Terraria.. Right Savey???"

wSnow: "Ok ok fine, fnaf doom tomorrow! damn Vinix, but hey, how about we play doors?!"

Savey: "Or that Deltarune multiplayer mod!"

Vinix: "Or Fifa 23!"

Felpz: "Or continue our world in minecraft!"

They continued giving ideas of what they could play for so long.. that they didn't even saw the time pass.. time flies fast ya know?

-00:32 AM-

Savey: "Or Multiversus.. wait a minute, how long have we been talking about what games we should play?"

wSnow: "maybe.. oh my, for 30 minutes!"

Felpz: "Yeah, it was so many ideas that we don't know what to choose."

Savey: "Let's just play Roblox already i guess"

After all of that conversation, they started playing the game for just some minutes, because it's already getting late... After their last match, Savey had to quit.

Savey: "Hey guys, looks like it's getting late.. i'll have to go, bye guys see yall tomorrow."

Vinix: "See ya man"

wSnow: "Yeah, hope you get that job dude" Savey smiled

Savey: "yeah i hope so, thanks!" Savey closed the discord app and turned off his PC, going to his bed sleep

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