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I think I might have made another friend.

She's my dorm mate and the only one that wanted to talk to me, the other two girls in our dorm don't really like us. Her name is Sybil Trelawney. Her skin is like mine and she collects crystals and colourful scarfs she can use.

The next morning, I do not sit at the blue table I was told to. I went to find Regulus and sat right next to him at the green one.

"Hello, Panda."

"Hi, Reggie!"

The pretty girl that smiled at him before gasped dramatically, "So she can call you Reggie and I can't? Your own cousin?"

Regulus rose a brow, "I like her better than you."

The girl scoffed and turned to me.

"Hello, my name is Narcissa Black. What's yours?"

"I'm Pandora, your a very pretty girl."

Narcissa smiled, "I see why you like her, Reg."

I notice then what they are doing. They are distracting me from the states. The green people all glare and sneer in my direction. Everyone else seemed quite shocked. Apparently, sitting at a different table is a big deal.

I ignore the stares.

If they want to stare at me, they a very welcome too.

Sirius is staring as well. But not at me. At Regulus. Sirius is glaring at his brother.

His gaze flicks to mine and I glare ten times stronger then he ever could. The fork in my hand bends slightly. The napkin beside Sirius is on fire. The fire is creeping towards him. I am smiling now.

He looks horrified.

What, can't the innocent girl set someone on fire every once in a while?

This is when I realise what the hat meant when it said I was protective of my friends.

I turn back to Narcissa and Regulus. Narcissa is grinning maniacally at me and Regulus gives a nod of his head in a sign of respect, I taught him that in the train.

"Oh, I really do like her, Regulus."

The sweet smile is on my face now. "I like you too!"

I spend my breakfast talking with Narcissa and Regulus, I tell them about Sybil and how mean the girls were. Reggie tells us about how his dorm mates are annoying but I think he likes them and that they'll become friends. Narcissa talks about how she might be falling in love with someone she isn't supposed to.

That's when we have a serious talk.

"It's a girl." Narcissa whispers.

"What?" Regulus asks.

"The person I'm in love with? They're a girl."

I shrugged, "That's okay, everyone falls in love with girls, they're really pretty."

Narcissa smiles gently, "Pandora. Not everyone likes girls like that. Girls that like girls are called lesbians. There are other labels for sexuality and things like that."

Regulus blurts out, "Well, I'm gay. I like boys."

"That's okay."

"Oh, Reggie!" I jump up, "I need to show you this amazing book I found!"

He grins at me and grabs onto my arm to pull himself up. We say goodbye to Narcissa and go to the library. I show him the book.

"Panda, when did you find all of these places? There was a curfew and the prefects didn't let me out."

"Oh, I snuck past them."

"You-you snuck past seventh years?" Regulus asks.

"What, like it's hard?"

Reg grins, "Panda, you are incredible."

I beam at him, "Well, thank you, kind sir!"

He joins in on the game, "You're very welcome, m'lady!"

We spend the day walking around the castle, I show him my hidden corners and soon we are sitting on a window ledge, observing the people below.

"It's wonderful."

"What is, Pandora?"

I blink two times before answering, "Observing people."

"It is, isn't it?"

We sit and watch the people roam the ground below like ants beneath our feet.

Sirius is outside. He has a tie around his head and he's on his honey eyed friend's back. I'd recently learned that the group of friends were called the Marauders. The members of their little club are James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew.

Sirius black has shoulder length hair and grey eyes, he is seen as wild and a rebel, he doesn't hand in homework but he has the brains to be almost top of the class. He is reliant on his friends and he doesn't talk to or about his family. His full name is Sirius Orion Black and he is in his second year. He has obvious childhood trauma but doesn't speak about it. He lashes out when feeling negative emotions and hurts the people close to him by using things they can't or won't change against them.

James Potter has brown hair that seems outrageously messy and hazel eyes that are outlined in wire glasses. He is seen as the so called leader of the group and he has supposedly fallen for Lily Evans. He is a hopeless romantic and tries to get average marks in class for his parents. He has a wonderful family and quite a fortune because wolf his fathers work in Potions and their name. His full name is James Fleamont Potter and he's also in his second year. He is the mum friend of the group and you can clearly see it and he's also the therapist friend so whenever talking about his own problems he shuts down.

Peter Pettigrew has straw like hair and bright blue eyes like that of a baby. He isn't that bright but he enjoys herbology and is top of the class in it, he does however have almost perfect troll marks in everything else. He's quite overlooked and is seen as just a follower, a puppy that follows them around. He's been best friends with James for a while now but he doesn't know how to talk to other potential friends. For some reason though, when talking to people he wants to date he is oozing confidence. When his emotions are put on display he reacts as if he needs to hide them and not let anyone see.

Remus Lupin has honey eyes and brown curls, he is tied in top of the class and is almost always seen in 'grandpa sweaters' with a book in his hand. People perceive him to be similar to Peter but more of a charity case because he is the only half blood in their group and he has scars that people bully him for. However, he is the mastermind and without him there group would fall apart. People have decided to either bully and tease him or fall completely head over heels in love with him. When he is fighting with emotion he uses pure rage and fists.

You can find a lot out about someone by just listening and watching.